Problem with New Holland LS140

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Dec 18, 2006
this problem has been a occuring for a long time. in the beggining, the seaftey horn(loud pitched constant beep), would only occur once in a while. it started to worsen where it would occur more often. I used a clip to bridge a saftey switch which seemed to remedy the problem, but cause the battery to die quicker. changed that saftey switch, with a new one. but now the beep persist continuously. the bucket will not function, just as it wouldn't if you had the seatbelt not latched, and a loud continous beep sounds the entire time the machine is runing. the panel just above your forhead that has most of the lights on it, has been replaced, with a brand new part. did not fix the problem. any suggestions?
Clean any ground wire you can find. I have not had my 160 long enought to have had a fight with it yet. When I get back in a day or so I'll look to see if there is anything else I notice
Clean any ground wire you can find. I have not had my 160 long enought to have had a fight with it yet. When I get back in a day or so I'll look to see if there is anything else I notice
when the beeping occurs which light is flashing on your monitor?? if your bucket is not working it is either the seat switch,seat belt switch or i`ve had to replace the harness between the seat switch and the main harness(broken wire) let me nkow what you find out,i`m a nh mechanic and have worked on lots of these units!!
when the beeping occurs which light is flashing on your monitor?? if your bucket is not working it is either the seat switch,seat belt switch or i`ve had to replace the harness between the seat switch and the main harness(broken wire) let me nkow what you find out,i`m a nh mechanic and have worked on lots of these units!!
well that is what we thought with the seat belt swtich, so we used a wire to bridge it for a while, but it seemed to drain the battery down. after replacing the seat belt switch is was problem was still occuring. it would move but bucket wouldn't lift or move. we finally found th eproblem, and it seems to be working well. it was a master or service switch. we repalced it and everything is A OK! thanks for the help!