pivot pins that attach arms to back of bobcat

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Well-known member
Jan 16, 2007
I was asking about the pins that attach the arms to the back of the bobcat. It is for 751, 1999 model with 1400 hours. It pops from time to time but I can not tell if it from the pins on the bobtrac or the rear pins. Therefore I was wondering if the pins in the back could be replaced and how hard that would be. Thanks
The pin is easy to change, with 1400 hours they should be good though, unless it has never seen grease. The boss has no bushing in it though, if the hole are worn out the only fix is to have a new boss machined and weld it in.
In terms of wear the dump cylinder at the bobtach is the first to go followed by the bobtach to loader arm pins.
The rear boom pins usually last the longest
The pin is easy to change, with 1400 hours they should be good though, unless it has never seen grease. The boss has no bushing in it though, if the hole are worn out the only fix is to have a new boss machined and weld it in.
In terms of wear the dump cylinder at the bobtach is the first to go followed by the bobtach to loader arm pins.
The rear boom pins usually last the longest
Thank you, the pin have been greased before each use since i have owned and the previous owner did so as well. I look at the bobtrac pins. again thanks