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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2007
I dreamed up a new attachment at work today, a man-basket on the end of a boom. I figure you could build one to reach 20 feet(just a guess so far).
Here is my plan, take my existing universal quicktach and mount an 11 foot steel boom to it that goes up at 45 degrees when quicktach is straight up and down. Build a boom truck style basket out of diamond plate aluminum and mount the top of the side to the end of the boom, so it will self level. Finally, put latter rungs going up the boom so you could get in and out yourself. The bucket will also be removable so you could use the boom alone.
I could see it being handy for construction or tree trimming. Note: Not Dielectrically Safe! Any thoughts on this for personal use.
As you already stated, not safe. Personally i wouldn't trust it as i have broken the weld that attaches the stick to the bobtach before, the bucket swung down REALLY fast. If you were in the cage you would hit the ground fast and hard. These days, any people lifting devices MUST have a safety device attached just in case of a hose rupture and to prevent over loading. If a hose breaks the safety device prevents the machine dropping the people, generally to their death. And for over capacity it simply will not lift if its more than it is rated.
With that said, i do use mine to lift people in my bucket from time to time. If you do build it, do be careful!!
As you already stated, not safe. Personally i wouldn't trust it as i have broken the weld that attaches the stick to the bobtach before, the bucket swung down REALLY fast. If you were in the cage you would hit the ground fast and hard. These days, any people lifting devices MUST have a safety device attached just in case of a hose rupture and to prevent over loading. If a hose breaks the safety device prevents the machine dropping the people, generally to their death. And for over capacity it simply will not lift if its more than it is rated.
With that said, i do use mine to lift people in my bucket from time to time. If you do build it, do be careful!!
Ditto on the safety thing.
But that being said I have a platform about 5' high, 4' by 6' top. Slides over the tines on my pallet forks. I have balconys 12' up in my shop. I built this to set pallets on, then I slide the forks back under the platforms and lift it way up.
I have used it for a work platform to prune trees etc, and even though a ladder is ok with the safety guy, I'll take my chances up on top of this as opposed to the ladder any day.
With a boom that long be sure you don't exceed your tip rating with that long lever out in front of the loader. And if you are just learning t o weld go practice somewhere else