Okay. Time for the update. IMHO, a waste of money for me. All it really did for me was make me want the 6 way dozer blade. I already had the grapple, and my finish grade with the regular bucket was pretty damn good. The dozer action is sweet, but would be much sweeter in 6 way. I really haven't noticed any benefit, only the added annoyance of having to close the hydraulics on occasion as they open with use. It doesn't seem to move as much material as my other bucket, and every time you change you have to deal with the hydraulic lines. Not that I'm spoiled, but if this country can build nuclear submarines and space shuttles, someone should be able to figure a way for these hydraulic connections to be automatic with the bob-tach. Anyway, if asked my opinion, I'll have to say don't waste your money.
I will give it one more chance, though. I'm going to get hold of 864-wood and have him stop by for a free personal lesson and refreshments in mass quantity. Maybe there's something I'm missing.