There are several things that I do to equipment that I will need to start in cold weather. The first is to use a diesel formulated Sythetic oil,(also a must for a turbo aspirated engine). Second, install an oil pan heater and have a heater that will fit around or near the fuel filter (I once used a couple of these hand warmer packets that you crack open and cause a chemical reaction to heat up) and taped them to the fuel filter. After that I started using an anti-jell addative. All these things and a block heater have not failed me. I am also considering using "super-Lube" (With Teflon,) ( in the chain case of my Mustang. It is a 100 % synthetic oil with the viscosaty of a 40 weight oil and the wear protection of 80 weight oil. It stays viscus to about 30 below F. We used it in industrial applications with outstanding results. If you can wait till the weather warms up a bit, it will be better for your equipment. Just my .02. Joe