Bucket Modifications

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Nov 24, 2006
Hey guys,
Has anyone modified thier bucket to include some type of hook or clip? I have seen weldable grab hooks, chains attached to side of buckets, etc. What is best? I need to attach a sling to pull some old fence posts out.
If you can, get hold of a 4 in 1 bucket. Open the bucket, lift it over the post and grab hold and lift. It works a treat.
The other way is to weld a hook to the top of the bucket where you step on to get in the cab and use a chain over the front and loop it around the post a few times and back on the hook. This should provide you enough friction and grip to get it to pull out. You may need to use a D shackle on the loop on the post to prevent it from slipping.
I can give you a pic of mine if it doesn't make sense.
Good luck with it.