873 Stops Running

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Dec 1, 2005
I just bought a used 873C with the 73.5 diesel engine. It will run for about 15 minutes and then it just shuts down. If I try to restart it the engine will crank but not start. If I let it sit for about 10 minutes it will start right up and run for a short time and then shut down again. This pattern seams to continue. The longer I wait the longer it seems to run on the restart. When it is running it runs fine. I replaced the fuel filter and it has plenty of fuel (almost a full tank). Any help to get me started would be appreciated. I believe the year to be a 1997. I have been reading some of the posts but have not come across this.
Not sure I can be of as much help here as the _real_ Bobcatters! First, I'd check for voltage at your fuel cut off solenoid, perhaps it's near the pump. Mine is located right on the pump, but I have an entirely different engine. I believe the solenoid should be getting 12v to hold it open. When you turn the key off, the solenoid shuts, fuel quits flowing, and the engine stops. So make sure it has 12v to allow fuel to flow. After the engine quits as you described, check for fuel along the line. Make sure it has fuel just past the filter (crack the filter bleed screw and pump the primer bulb), then right at the fuel pump (I'm assuming you have a lift pump integral with the injector pump) by cracking the line and pumping the primer bulb. Last check would be to crack a line right at one of the injectors and make sure fuel dribbles/squirts out when you crank it over. If fuel is present there and it doesn't run, I'm outta ideas. ---Bob
Not sure I can be of as much help here as the _real_ Bobcatters! First, I'd check for voltage at your fuel cut off solenoid, perhaps it's near the pump. Mine is located right on the pump, but I have an entirely different engine. I believe the solenoid should be getting 12v to hold it open. When you turn the key off, the solenoid shuts, fuel quits flowing, and the engine stops. So make sure it has 12v to allow fuel to flow. After the engine quits as you described, check for fuel along the line. Make sure it has fuel just past the filter (crack the filter bleed screw and pump the primer bulb), then right at the fuel pump (I'm assuming you have a lift pump integral with the injector pump) by cracking the line and pumping the primer bulb. Last check would be to crack a line right at one of the injectors and make sure fuel dribbles/squirts out when you crank it over. If fuel is present there and it doesn't run, I'm outta ideas. ---Bob
Well, as you said it runs for about 15 mins then dies, it can't be a fuel line problem.... If the lift pump wasn't giving you fuel it would run then die within a few seconds.... It all seems to be heat related, all i can think of is there is a sensor that is telling the computer its too hot and to shut down. Now i don't know if the computer actually checks engine temp and shuts down if it exceeds the *safe* running temp. Also, check the engine oil level while you are there.

I would check coolant level, then with the engine cool, start the machine and let it warm up with the radiator cap removed, check that the water is indeed warming up. If not, you may have a broken thermostat or water pump impeller. Check the radiator fins that they aren't caked up with crap.

Also, check your oil cooler fins, it may even be detecting your oil is getting too hot, check hydro oil level to make sure its not too low and causing cavitation which will over heat your hydraulic oil very quickly (and damage parts).

As bobbie mentioned, the fuel cut solenoid could also be the problem. When the machine won't start check the position of the solenoid, if it is in the run position it may be safe to assume it is ok, but if its in the stop position it may indeed be the solenoid.

I wish you luck!
Well, as you said it runs for about 15 mins then dies, it can't be a fuel line problem.... If the lift pump wasn't giving you fuel it would run then die within a few seconds.... It all seems to be heat related, all i can think of is there is a sensor that is telling the computer its too hot and to shut down. Now i don't know if the computer actually checks engine temp and shuts down if it exceeds the *safe* running temp. Also, check the engine oil level while you are there.

I would check coolant level, then with the engine cool, start the machine and let it warm up with the radiator cap removed, check that the water is indeed warming up. If not, you may have a broken thermostat or water pump impeller. Check the radiator fins that they aren't caked up with crap.

Also, check your oil cooler fins, it may even be detecting your oil is getting too hot, check hydro oil level to make sure its not too low and causing cavitation which will over heat your hydraulic oil very quickly (and damage parts).

As bobbie mentioned, the fuel cut solenoid could also be the problem. When the machine won't start check the position of the solenoid, if it is in the run position it may be safe to assume it is ok, but if its in the stop position it may indeed be the solenoid.

I wish you luck!
In addition to checking the actual solenoid, check the power going to it. If a connection is corroded(bad) it can pass sufficient power for a while. After running for some interval it will actually heat up and you will get no voltage.
In addition to checking the actual solenoid, check the power going to it. If a connection is corroded(bad) it can pass sufficient power for a while. After running for some interval it will actually heat up and you will get no voltage.
Thanks for the great input. I will work through them all tomorrow and let you all know how it went.