853 Injector pump woes

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Feb 28, 2023
Not practical trying to replace the seals with the pump installed....had to remove it. Did all the seals but the guts at the back are a bit challenging. I hope I've reassembled it right.
However, I didn't read the manual before hand to set the timing marks, and now have a no start scenario. Thought air in the lines, but I have diesel at the injectors. I am fairly certain the timing is way off.
I have it set to TDC but can't seem to find info on where the pump gear needs to be located at install.
Anyone have any tips?
if all else fails you can remove the timing gear cover and line up the marks off the front of the gears I believe.
Thanks foton, I think I will just do that (now that I have read the SM)......another lesson learned from a stupid mistake LOL
Curious if anyone has tried to align the gear marks on a 4JB1 by turning the engine over? I have spun this thing at least 40 revolutions to no avail. I looked up a formula to calculate the revolutions required and I am looking at 573......seems odd.

I suppose the alternative is to just put cylinder #1 at TDC and reposition the two idler gears (the cam gear would be in alignment every two revolutions) presuming of course the idler gears don't affect timing?

Anyone have experience with this?
Update: I pulled the two idler gears and reinstalled them so the X's and Y's lined up on the crank and cam, then the Z's for the pump idler. This allowed me to properly align the injection pump with the V's on the pump idler........certainly a great deal faster than turning the motor over by hand a few hundred more times.

Bled the pump at the top bolt (I didn't crack the injector lines at the top of the cylinders), and it started right up. Idle sounds smooth but I will adjust it manually by ear just to be sure. I've been told to advance it until it starts to knock, then back it off until the knock just stops....gets you close supposedly.......unless I can figure a way to set a dial indicator without the timing tool at the rear of the pump.