843 fluid leak

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Apr 19, 2007
I noticed the other day that right under the "transmission" (the piece the u-joint locks onto) There is fluid underneath it. There are some steel tubes running under it but they do not seem to be rubbing. bad seal? any ideas?
It could be a seal, but it could be a leaking hose or fitting. I' give it a good clean first and see if its really coming from the shaft seal on the pump.
I seem to rememeber the 43 series was bad for for leaks in those tubes you talked of that run from side to side right between the motor and pump , there is about 4 of them and they rub together or against the frame , you have to take the motor out to get some of them in and out , the easy way would be to route a hydraulic hose in place of the tubing once you figure out if that is it and which one , the thing to do like Tazza said is a real good cleaning so that you can see where it's coming from , the pump seal is kinda rare to see go out , it may also be leaking from one of the fitting orings on the side of the sunstrand and leaking down the side to the bottom and fooling you
I seem to rememeber the 43 series was bad for for leaks in those tubes you talked of that run from side to side right between the motor and pump , there is about 4 of them and they rub together or against the frame , you have to take the motor out to get some of them in and out , the easy way would be to route a hydraulic hose in place of the tubing once you figure out if that is it and which one , the thing to do like Tazza said is a real good cleaning so that you can see where it's coming from , the pump seal is kinda rare to see go out , it may also be leaking from one of the fitting orings on the side of the sunstrand and leaking down the side to the bottom and fooling you
I agree with Fishfiles there, the tube lines on my 743 that i re-built has rather worn lines from vibration. I looked every line over and using the oxy set i brazed over any worn patches. Then wire buffed them all down and painted them.
Where they are is a nightmare if you get a leak, you can't simply pull one out, you may need to remove 3 or 4 to gain access to the one you need, they are all tangled together.
I agree with Fishfiles there, the tube lines on my 743 that i re-built has rather worn lines from vibration. I looked every line over and using the oxy set i brazed over any worn patches. Then wire buffed them all down and painted them.
Where they are is a nightmare if you get a leak, you can't simply pull one out, you may need to remove 3 or 4 to gain access to the one you need, they are all tangled together.
well its not the lines. What else could it be ? A transmission seal?
well its not the lines. What else could it be ? A transmission seal?
What I would do is pressure wash the inside the machine really good , paying close attention to all the nooks and creaves , this is an important step , cause it is easier to find where the oil is coming from when it's clean , jack and block all 4 wheels of machine off the ground , put the boom in the air and install the safty bar , lift the cab and start machine up , work the functions one at a time , the boom can be raised and lowered a couple of inches with the safty bar in place , work the tilt , aux and both travel levers , on the boom , tilt and aux you may have to work each curcuit to the limit so that relief kicks in at full throttle good luck

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