There is a place to bleed air. it is located at the top of the pumps. at the top of the pumps is a charge presure sensor (it is the only sensor screwed directly into the pumps, toward the rear of the pumps just below the fuel tank, next to the sensor is an allen plug, remove this plug and screw a hose into this port and run the hose back into the hyd tank. it is best to have a valve inline on the hose to slightly restrict oil flow. run the machine at no more than 1/2 throttle and this should bleed the air from the system in about 10/15 minutes. If you are still having problems with air in the system, indicated by foaming oil seen through the sight glass, check the previously mentioned filter(if you have the portblock mounted to the top of the hyd pump) otherwise any of the suction hoses/port block between the tank to the hyd pump can be pulling air into the system, to a lesser degree, air can be entering the system through the lift/tilt cyl head seals and rarely if ever, the pintle seals (these are the seals located on the shafts for your forward/reverse at the pumps) if you find you still have air getting into the system, my money is on the large suction hose or the suction hose fitting o-ring right at the hyd pump.