Well My battery mounting plate was rusted away so I thought Id replace it. I removed all the old pieces and discarded them (mistake) and then I started looking on line for a replacement. Well I guess these things are like hens teeth and rare as can be. I finally found a used one from Wengers tractor parts so I ordered it up and it arrived all rusty and dirty as expected. I cleaned it up and repainted it so it would last a l;ittle longer than the last one. The rubber isolator bushings were still attached (Who Hoo) so I proceeded to install the thing and low and behold the bolt patterns don't even come close to matching. If I had kept the old parts I might have been able to fabricate one but that's not possible. While checking this out I researched the part number and I guess what I received isn't like the one I took out. I do recall the original one had a verticle bar at the rear and the one from Wengers doesn't but I figured that wouldn't be a problem and I could use it anyway. But like I said before the bolt pattern is way off. So if anyone knows what the correct battery plate part number is, or know where I can find one like the original with the rear vertical bar I would be eternally grateful. Thanks for reading about my dilemma I hope you are having a better time with your project than I am with mine.