Used Skid Purchase input, looking for low cost of ownership/reliability thinking 1845c ?

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Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Background, Ive owned a Mustang 442, Gehl 4510 ? NH Lx885. Ive run several rental machines for others, worked for a contractor, we had a dozen Bobcat brand machines, it was an oddity if 6 of them ever ran all at the same time, and used to run a 2017 Gehl track machine that was brand new, at work, I hated that machine, brand new POS.

Need a homestead machine, hobby farm use.

Budget is $20k

At this point I have a quick tach Land Pride 60" Grapple Rake, Pallet Forks.

Would be looking for basic off road fork lift moving stuff around, like large square bales, building fences ( hyd auger will be purchased ), clearing brush, light forestry work/firewood/IBC Totes of firewood, pushing/bucketing snow, just general work, not much dirt work. I know I want a tire machine, not tracks. I would be putting wheels/snow tires and possible chains on for winter use ( live on hilly ground ). In the winter the only use would be moving firewood totes and moving snow.

More than happy to trade comfort/bells whistles/convenience over dead reliable and something I can service/repair completely myself. I'm a life long wrench/mechanic, I don't like to pay anyone to do anything, save for rebuilding the hydro. I have a home shop, that is more than complete for any thing I run into.

Im aware that Im likely going to wind up with a single speed machine, without high flow, or heat and don't think that matters much to me. My own research suggests to me, from a cost of ownership, the 1845c would likely be my ideal machine, even though its older, it seems like all the important items are still available or rebuildable ?

My NH Lx885 was educational from a proprietary/insane cost of parts standpoint. Absolutely loved that machine, but when something broke/failed, I damn near get nausea looking up parts and seeing the cost. I averaged 400hrs a year on that, on a hobby farm.

Would also like to minimize all the BS, no computers, fewer switches and electronics the better, I just want to use the thing, not work on it. Im a freak with maintainance, and am happy to over maintain, Im just tired of fixing things.

Used to have a neighbor with 1845c, I would borrow his machine to do chores when my NH was sick and waiting on parts, so Im at peace that I will be going a whole generation backwards, and that 1845c seemded to lift nearly half of what I was accomsted too, but that does not matter to me at this point

Hope this paints enough of a picture for some input from the community, if you have any input, its appreciated, thanks !

The enclosed pic, was me using the neighbors machine as a ballast to get my machine into the shop, to repair the broken wheel spindle. I locked the two togehter, it worked rather well.


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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2016
just my 2 cents, , but honestly at this point in time, I don't think, looking for "X" model make", is the game you have to platy
as your looking for older machines it seems, based on your list of wants!
and honestly, HOW a machine was used, abused, cared for or not cared for??
so, what I am saying is, , your going to need to just find what is in your price range NEAR you, and in the best condition!
as a machine that is OLD< , how it was used and cared for IMO< matters more than what model it is!
there are folks that LOVE all brands and have great luck with them, and even in all models, there really are not any truly BAD one's, or that I know of!

BUT age alone can be an issue on things needing replacing ,, dry hoses, tires, gaskets seals, ALL can go bad on time alone, and they all add up fast in costs to replace, not even counting labor or time to replace!, not to mention wear and tear parts, bushings, pins, and over all condition of machine!
just limiting to :"X" model,, you may over look a better condition less costly machine that will do all you want!

, so again, the machine in the best condition, is the way I would be looking, that and , well, it having the spec's you desire(lift capacity, flow rate and over all weight maybe,)

SO< IMO< what you need to do is , it again, look at specs, then , GO look at , and actually RUN the machines in your area,
and IMO< you have an advantage of having experience in both running machines and repairing things
so, YOU should be able to weed out the bad , poorly cared or abused one's
and keep in mind, ALL the machines in the 20-25+ yr old range are getting harder and harder to find parts, MOST OEM"S, have stopped making replacement parts at this point
, or will soon, as its NOT in there best interest to keep making them(unless there a highly sought after model, this is the norm)
so just cause parts are available today, doesn;t mean they still will be in 2-5-10 yrs!,
making one search for parts, be them used or?? and that can be down time or longer down time

Not trying to be negative here, just providing food for thought
I both own and love many OLDER machines, and get the reason so many others do as well

but they have there CON's as well as pro's!, and why most that collect OLD machine,s call it mostly a hobby and not, there main tool for the work they need doing!, not saying all do this, but??


Well-known member
Nov 2, 2014
Can't go wrong with an 1845C that is in good shape. However, I will say that the last time I really looked at the auction prices of 1845Cs vs similar sized machines of the XT series Case I thought the XT machines were a better buy. They are just as good as an 1845C. So for that reason I don't just give a blanket recommendation for the 1845C.


Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Thanks for the input/replies. Ended up passing on the case and bought a low hour SSV75. My Kubota tractor experiences have been stellar, so I thought Id give that a whirl, while I spent twice as much money, thinking I went from a covered wagon, to a space shuttle. The machine I bought has every last option, save for add on weights. Hoping the emissions dont cause regret !, which is why I shopped for low hours, found a 900hr one owner machine.

When I backed away and looked at this, for what I paid and what the market looks like ( the sweet spot of dollars spent vs how much you get ), I think I got an absolute steal. It appears as you're budget goes up, as an example, going from $20k to $40k, you get 3 to 4 times the machine, not twice. YMMV !