Quicktach repair

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Well-known member
Jun 30, 2009
The quicktach on my machine was beat to death before I became its sugar daddy. I can only ass u me that greasing was neglected (along with many other things) and the mounting holes for the tilt pin are oval-ed. Has anyone had the same issue and any luck having a local machine shop fabricate new mounts that can be or would be welded on in place of the worn? I've had no luck finding a used part and am not sure a new one is even available through Bobcat. Last I looked several years ago, it was more than $2,000.00. The hole at the end of the tilt cylinder is fine and the pin would need to be replaced, but I know that isn't $2,000.00... or at least wasn't lol. Thanks in advance for any input.


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2016
several years ago I had the same issue, it took some time but I used a hole saw to open the holes, to get it to start welded a piece of 1/4 x 1 bar across the holes, then turned a steel bushing to press into the holes and welded in place, best I could do without spending hundreds on it


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2016
pending what machine/model, there are after market set ups sold by many skid steer attachment web sites, if you cannot find an OEM one

as for having a GOOD machine shop repair it
I would have to think YES they could, but at what costs?
as a GOOD machine shop can do about anything, but GOOD shops get paid well for there work, so, it might not be any cheaper to have them rebuild./make you a replacement or even just parts
however, a good shop should be able to look at things and give you a estimate, ,
so next question would be, could you haul it to a shop to have it looked at and given an estimate?
not everyone can do this, many owners don't have trucks/trailer? which can add to costs if not!


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2016
That's what I was thinking versus cutting the wings off and having new ones made.
fixed one this way as well, hard part is drilling the hole back round, I tacked a steel plate to the wing and used a mag drill with the right size cutter and took my time drilling, once done break the weld and tack to the other side as needed