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New member
Apr 28, 2024
I have an S570 that has been over run with mice. So far no mechanical or electric issues but not pleasant. I have tried Grandpa Gus deterrent plus a couple different kinds of poison. Need to be careful with the poison as I have dogs in the yard. My question for now is how do I take down the headliner so I can get it cleaned out and is this a DIY kind of project? Better ideas? thanks, TWN


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2012
For the mice, try taking small bottles and put rags soaked with ammonia in them. Place them at any point that you think mice may be getting in. Replenish the ammonia at least once a month. I have several in my engine compartment. It's a pain in the butt to take them in and out but it beats rodents chewing.

I have also done the Irish spring soap but it didn't work as well. It does however act like a dehumidifier in my closed cab. Had water dripping from the roof glass before but with the soap it stays pretty dry. I don't know how or why this works exactly but I'll keep it in there as long as it does.

As for the headliner, take a look at the parts catalog:

The schematics always help to see how things are assembled.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2016
I'd also suggest you start placing something like them bucket traps that go on top of a 5 gallon bucket,(they sell the lids on Amazon/ebay)
I keep a few about my place, and catch many all yr round in them
I found HOT gluing some bait to the underside of lid, in back where trap floor falls/opens, helps save me time from having to re bait things, as they never get to eat the bait before falling in bucket,
I also add water to bucket in warmer weather, so they drown, but if you do this, you need to check often, before they start to rot in water and smell bad!
But there great traps, IMO and worth there costs,, due to they can catch many mice in one set, over other traps!
I'd suggest placing them near your up near where you park the machine
so maybe you can catch them before they get inside machine and do damage!
I would also try and find out why there are so many near things, is the machine near where you keep feed/seeds or likes??
as the only reason mice normally go to an area is for either food/water , food near by, or safety after eating! so if you can find out WHY there going in your machine and area about it, maybe you can help control them that way too!

there are also a lot of home made poisions that are pet safe, a quick search on youtube or online can show you a bunch that are cheap and easy to make
lastly, adding fresh moth balls in machines, also helps deter them, if removing head liner is a big project, maybe a small hole and throwing some in there could help??
but be aware it could also, become a headache hearing them roll about while using machine, !!

in MY machine, I place bait in places I know they can access but yet, not drag it away, so not to harm other critters by getting it, draw back to this is some times they eat some and die in places that ain't easy to get them out of in machine and they stick for a while!


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2012
Keep in mind that mothballs are flammable. But I have heard that they work.

I have a five gallon bucket trap that I keep in my garage that I made myself from stuff lying around the garage. It works very well (my record is 11 mice in one night). However, I have accidentally killed squirrels and chipmunks (the wife left the garage door open). I also used to have squirrels try to nest in my machine but not since I started using ammonia.

I started using the ammonia in trash cans to keep the bears away (a smell thing) and found that I have a lot fewer rodents in my five gallon trap. The ammonia mimics urine from predators so the rodents stay away.

Like everything else, the rodent problem changes year to year. We had a horrible mouse problem one year after someone killed off all the local coyotes (yes, coyotes eat mice). Mother Nature likes to keep a balance but we humans always think we can outsmart her.

[email protected]

Active member
Jan 27, 2024
I also had issues with the mice in the machines or around them. When not in use I added Dryer sheets in many places. That seems to work well. I place these sheets in small areas under floor boards in buckets of wood and wood piles. It does work. Or it seems to. Good Luck with this!


New member
Apr 28, 2024
I used dryer sheets behind my instrument panel. The mice used the dryer sheets to build a nest against the instrument panel. I'm now looking for another instrument panel.
Cinnamon, cloves, and peppermint didn't work either. Ended up cutting off the bottoms of plastic water bottles and putting moth balls in them so they don't roll around. It makes it easier to remove them also.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2016
I buy the moth balls that come in a vented bag, it holds about 25-30 moth balls to a bag, and when the bags get nasty I just remove and toss, this way they stay together, also seems like having a bunch together adds strength to them and helps keep mice away
I also had same experience with dryer sheets, the mice here would eat them and or make nest of them

haven';t tried using toilet tank pucks,(the ones you drop in your toilet tank to keep it clean) but been told by a few farmers that sue them work, if one wanted to try them or running out of other things that didn't work for them, !

[email protected]

Active member
Jan 27, 2024
Interesting about the dryer sheets not working. I have had good luck with that. Yet I wonder about that some times. Maybe the mice are more tame. I have really big mice in the Upper Penninsula. MI. I had a snake once that entered the building and I couldn't find it. Yet that's about the time the mice vanished. Wonder.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2012
Interesting about the dryer sheets not working. I have had good luck with that. Yet I wonder about that some times. Maybe the mice are more tame. I have really big mice in the Upper Penninsula. MI. I had a snake once that entered the building and I couldn't find it. Yet that's about the time the mice vanished. Wonder.
I think the dryer sheets probably work as long as you replace them often. Once the smell decreases long enough it just becomes good nesting material.

Funny you should mention snakes. We have pet snakes and there poo is a real good rodent deterrent. We have used it to repel moles by placing it in their tunnels. Too messy to use in a machine though.

[email protected]

Active member
Jan 27, 2024
Never knew that one but hey if it take that method I am surprised no one sells it. I had my dryer sheets out for a year or so and still no sign of the mice like is was. So I will continue that.. Got to wonder what works other than the bucket of water trick. May try that also. Good to know either way.


Dec 4, 2018
There's a product called Fresh Cab - available on Amazon. Apparently developed by a farmer to put in their equipment. I have put it in the mini excavator that sits in the barn and doesn't get used much. Also have a pack under a pickup's hood, works well.

[email protected]

Active member
Jan 27, 2024
Thanks for the info. I will check that out. Mice are a nasty bunch. I keep my toys in a Garage. I wonder if that will also work in there. Tools, Equipment, etc. All stored but at one time, Mice galore. Then a snake once went inside. I have not seen a mouse until lately again. Either the snake solved it or the dryer sheets did. Then there is the circle of life. Got to wonder. Anyway Thanks.