Rodent deterrent?

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Active member
Oct 14, 2015
When my son jumped in the skidsteer this weekend to help rearrange some trailers in the barn I noticed an unwanted little furry intruder scurry up and out of the skidsteer. I wish my barn was mouse proof but I think they can squeeze through the littlest of openings.

My biggest concern is what they can do to electrical wires.

I sprayed rodent repellent in and around all my trailers and equipment but if anyone has any better ideas I would certainly be open to suggestions.



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Well-known member
Jul 19, 2016
moth balls have been my best way of keeping them out of machines when in a building, have tried dozens of other things and they seem to work best for me!

that and I keep lots of mice bait in easy for them to find locations, close to any where I think they can get in, so , this way as soon as they get in they find a meal and , I hope it leads to them dropping dead soon!
I keep things in places where pets cannot get them too, , but yet easy for them to get too!


New member
Aug 20, 2019
I have had amazing luck with OWLTRA OW-2 electric mouse traps inside the house. They also come in a rat size. A little pricey, but I can't recommend them more highly.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2012
I've just started to try Grampa Gus's mouse repellent. They sell it at amazon and

The best thing I have done though is start up my machines every two weeks. Not only does it keep the rodents from staying in the machine, it's also good for the motors, pumps, engine and air conditioner. Keeps them lubed.

If you want a good mouse trap look up the 5 gallon bucket trap online. Plenty of videos.

The nice thing about these traps is that you can catch multiple rodents in one night with one trap (my record is 11 mice) and there is no poison involved. Poisoned mice die and then are eaten by other animals and they die and so on. I have seen Bald Eagles, ravens, crows, hawks, house cats, dogs… get the picture, that have ingested poisoned rodents and have died.

The one problem with the 5 gallon bucket trap is that it will also trap chipmunks, squirrels and other small creatures that you may or may not want to catch.


Active member
Oct 14, 2015
I've just started to try Grampa Gus's mouse repellent. They sell it at amazon and

The best thing I have done though is start up my machines every two weeks. Not only does it keep the rodents from staying in the machine, it's also good for the motors, pumps, engine and air conditioner. Keeps them lubed.

If you want a good mouse trap look up the 5 gallon bucket trap online. Plenty of videos.

The nice thing about these traps is that you can catch multiple rodents in one night with one trap (my record is 11 mice) and there is no poison involved. Poisoned mice die and then are eaten by other animals and they die and so on. I have seen Bald Eagles, ravens, crows, hawks, house cats, dogs… get the picture, that have ingested poisoned rodents and have died.

The one problem with the 5 gallon bucket trap is that it will also trap chipmunks, squirrels and other small creatures that you may or may not want to catch.
I forgot all about the 5 gallon bucket traps. May have to try them.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2016
I have tried the 5 gallon bucket traps(have 3 of them) but honestly I don't have much luck with them, , IMO< the main reason is, there too tall, , even adding strong smelling scents to things, I don;t get many that will climb the long ramps to get to things,( I have also tried using shorter buckets, but still not as effective as other things for me)
and after a few days the bait scent dries up and or gets moldy on me here and stops attracting them for me! have yet to find a bait they will keep coming after , without having to rebait things every other day or so! which tends to be a hassle to me!
I have even tried gluing some corn, sunflower seeds to the top of the inside of the trap door, to keep them from eating yet hoping would still attract and last, but doesn;t seem to have the scent needed for them to know there up the top of the ramp, adding things to ramp will lure them up, but its a never ending game of re sallying things on the ramp, which again grows old IMO!

tips?, on the buckets deal, I found using used fry oil over water in summer time, helps keep smells down and works to attract things, in winter time I have used old radiator coolant, so it doesn;t freeze up on me!

I have tried many things, (poison bait works best for me, and they do make and sell some that is pet SAFE) I have tons of wildlife in my yard all the time, have yet to see a dead critter that ate a mouse that ate the poison, NOT saying it doesn't happen,
but most things that eat mice are much larger than the mice that ate the bait, and odds of them eating a enough mice to get enough poison to harm them IMO< is rather low and why its legally sold!,
Like I said, I am NOT saying it doesn;'t happen, I just have never had or seen it here! and been using bait for 20+ yrs here
a short story about bait though, HAHA!

ONCE, I had a raccoon eat a whole Tomcat Green color mouse bait block (maybe two) I had INSIDE the cab of a skid steer, had the door off one night
and the darn things apparently didn;t like it after eating the whole block
it apparently was looking for more of them in the cab a while, tore up and tore the seat all up?? had another bait block under seat it could reach , and had to replace seat from damages it did!)

it then had a reaction to the bait, they must have a HIGH body temp, as it MELTED the bait into a liquid ??
which it proceeded to throw up the green waxy material all over the inside of the cab, it threw up on the floor, all windows, even the the ceiling , and the controls , the entire cab basically was coated in places with the NOW HARD green bait!
which was a nightmare to remove as it was like melted wax, it would NOT come off with hot water or any chemical clearer I could find, had to be heated with a heat gun and scrapped off to remove it, took hours!
The coon, I gather the same one was back the next night as I have a camera system set up over things and seen the same looking coon again trying to get into the cab, climbing all over the machine, but door was now back on it!
apparently it wanted to try the bait a second time to confirm it was not good to eat!

SO< using bait has other flaws I gather, but it gets my vote still on the most effective way to maintain there numbers and not just deter them from getting into a machine or shop!
as if you have mice, they will just keep multiplying, unless you kill them some how!


Active member
Oct 14, 2015
I have tried the 5 gallon bucket traps(have 3 of them) but honestly I don't have much luck with them, , IMO< the main reason is, there too tall, , even adding strong smelling scents to things, I don;t get many that will climb the long ramps to get to things,( I have also tried using shorter buckets, but still not as effective as other things for me)
and after a few days the bait scent dries up and or gets moldy on me here and stops attracting them for me! have yet to find a bait they will keep coming after , without having to rebait things every other day or so! which tends to be a hassle to me!
I have even tried gluing some corn, sunflower seeds to the top of the inside of the trap door, to keep them from eating yet hoping would still attract and last, but doesn;t seem to have the scent needed for them to know there up the top of the ramp, adding things to ramp will lure them up, but its a never ending game of re sallying things on the ramp, which again grows old IMO!

tips?, on the buckets deal, I found using used fry oil over water in summer time, helps keep smells down and works to attract things, in winter time I have used old radiator coolant, so it doesn;t freeze up on me!

I have tried many things, (poison bait works best for me, and they do make and sell some that is pet SAFE) I have tons of wildlife in my yard all the time, have yet to see a dead critter that ate a mouse that ate the poison, NOT saying it doesn't happen,
but most things that eat mice are much larger than the mice that ate the bait, and odds of them eating a enough mice to get enough poison to harm them IMO< is rather low and why its legally sold!,
Like I said, I am NOT saying it doesn;'t happen, I just have never had or seen it here! and been using bait for 20+ yrs here
a short story about bait though, HAHA!

ONCE, I had a raccoon eat a whole Tomcat Green color mouse bait block (maybe two) I had INSIDE the cab of a skid steer, had the door off one night
and the darn things apparently didn;t like it after eating the whole block
it apparently was looking for more of them in the cab a while, tore up and tore the seat all up?? had another bait block under seat it could reach , and had to replace seat from damages it did!)

it then had a reaction to the bait, they must have a HIGH body temp, as it MELTED the bait into a liquid ??
which it proceeded to throw up the green waxy material all over the inside of the cab, it threw up on the floor, all windows, even the the ceiling , and the controls , the entire cab basically was coated in places with the NOW HARD green bait!
which was a nightmare to remove as it was like melted wax, it would NOT come off with hot water or any chemical clearer I could find, had to be heated with a heat gun and scrapped off to remove it, took hours!
The coon, I gather the same one was back the next night as I have a camera system set up over things and seen the same looking coon again trying to get into the cab, climbing all over the machine, but door was now back on it!
apparently it wanted to try the bait a second time to confirm it was not good to eat!

SO< using bait has other flaws I gather, but it gets my vote still on the most effective way to maintain there numbers and not just deter them from getting into a machine or shop!
as if you have mice, they will just keep multiplying, unless you kill them some how!
Surpassed the racoon came back for seconds. Thought they were smarter than that. Makes you wonder what the traps are made of especially because it was so hard to clean up.


Sep 17, 2022
I use the Rodent Bait Cafe Stations. Only mice and rats can get to the bait blocks and the bait blocks are on steel pegs so they can't run off with the whole bait block. The bait staions also lock shut so kids can't open them. I have 12 of the stations inside all of our buildings. Another pointer I would like to give is, if your skidsteer has heater and or ac vents, keep them closed when not in use. Mice like to crawl into the vents and make nests in there.


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2016
I use the Rodent Bait Cafe Stations. Only mice and rats can get to the bait blocks and the bait blocks are on steel pegs so they can't run off with the whole bait block. The bait staions also lock shut so kids can't open them. I have 12 of the stations inside all of our buildings. Another pointer I would like to give is, if your skidsteer has heater and or ac vents, keep them closed when not in use. Mice like to crawl into the vents and make nests in there.
I make my own boxes like that, mostly for spring traps however, as I never wanted a smaller critter getting a leg trapped in one
I make them out of of simple materials, some OSB< and some 2x4 pieces I always seem to have from other projects, I leave one end of a 2x4 a inch or so open from making a full square, add OSB to top and bottom, add hinges to top section, allow the top to open, for easy access and resetting things, rather easy to make and cheap(or was when wood was more reasonably priced_)

but have noticed that I have to place heavy items on top of things in my 3 sided buildings, or larger critters will open them, or carry the whole things off, Bars here have done that several times on me!, a cinder block or two helps stop that though, pending what bait is in the traps,
cannot use peanut butter in them, or bears for sure will get to them, even small amounts lure them in on me here!
but I agree having boxes of the likes, helps limit the chance of a non targeted critter getting any poison !

and another tip, I found, that before parking things back in non heated shops, in winter /cold temps times of yr
if I wait till they cooled down, it seems it draws less critters in , as when parking a hot machine in,
the hot /heat from machine seems to t drawn them in, in cold temps

and as mentioned, heater vents, and even the heaters themselves can draw them into then, looking for heat and then nesting inside

Jim A

Well-known member
Nov 28, 2022
I was told Irish spring soap made into chips tossed in Machine by wiring no mice.
Farmers here use it it lasts for months.
Gonna try.


Jan 6, 2023
hey guy.....been there done that....tried everything i could run across.......then i read the instructions....(just a saying of course)....from th univ. of mn........these creatures are rodents, there is nothing that is anywhere close or positive ro deter them.....there is one answer DEATH..... we do not like to kill any animal or creature......but after a $600.00 wire repair on my truck, and a friend i share this with (his repair bill on a fram combine neared $5000 ) i see the rodents in a different light.


Active member
Jun 21, 2022
My buddy had this problem on his JD 8875 a couple times. The wire harnesses run inside the square tube of the cab frame. The mice would climb up inside there to nest and chew up the wires in there. After the 2nd time, once we cleaned out mouse nest and repaired the chewed wires, we sealed the all the open ends of the cabs tube frame with great stuff foam to eliminate the openings the mice can get in. On the bottom, vertical openings, we put a McDonald's drink straw in first and foamed around it. The straw provides a drain hole for any rain or condensation that gets in.
He never had another problem after sealing the openings.


New member
Jan 8, 2023
When my son jumped in the skidsteer this weekend to help rearrange some trailers in the barn I noticed an unwanted little furry intruder scurry up and out of the skidsteer. I wish my barn was mouse proof but I think they can squeeze through the littlest of openings.

My biggest concern is what they can do to electrical wires.

I sprayed rodent repellent in and around all my trailers and equipment but if anyone has any better ideas I would certainly be open to suggestions.

I have tried most of everything. Poison boxes placed on the floor board is all I use now.

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