When were omision standards introduced for 70 hp skid steers

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"Yes emissions are now the same on most off road diesels, as they are on on road equipment, emissions can definitely problematic, especially depends how an engine is used, one of the worst things for emissions are time spent idling
anything gets def over 75 horsepower that is why there are so many 74 horsepower machines, I agree idleing is bad but is worse is to turn off a def machine while it is in a regen mode. it is then dealer time. would not have one just to many bad issues. if you need a larger horsepower machine find a pre 2008 in good shape if you can.
just my 2 cents and from what I know from friends with new DEF machines
they all pretty much tell me, that these new machines are NOT made to be low use machines
as long as you use them a LOT they seem fines
folks that seem to have more issues with them, are folks that only use occasionally
like home owners that let them sit for weeks or months without use
The same I hear from folks with DEF is pick up trucks and so on,
I know My Ram 2500,6.7 has had a lot of emission issues over the 10 yrs I got it, , and NONE were cheap, a few grand almost every time,

it only gets used a few times month, and my dealer tells me tha'ts why!
I also gather this is why all DEF sold in jugs has dates on it and so many always suggest buying the freshest you can find when filling the def tank, it seems to go bad, even though they say it doesn't
sort of reminds me of modern gasoline compared to old non ethanol gasoline, that lasted yrs, (unlike ethanol gasoline) and didn;'t cause so many running issues in smaller motors as new ethanol fuel does!(ask any small engine shop about them if you care to know what I mean here)

So, folks that use them all the time, put tons of hours or miles on seem to have the least failures with things
then again, many of these guys also trade stuff in after warranty goes, HAHA! IMO

as they say they don't make things to last any more, its a sad disposable world we live in any more, where few if any company's care about being known for making long lasting"ANYTHING"

they make more money selling things often and view everyone as replaceable, , so they don't care if you come back and buy again!
customer loyalty means nothing anymore sadly! (just like common sense in most folks today) IMO!