What is you ideal Bobcat system?

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
This is just for fun, I want to see what ideas everyone else has.
I would have a F-750 (33,000# GVWR, 60,000# CGVWR) truck with a 18' bed/box and a 24 ton tag trailer with a 24' deck. My equipment would be a 442 compact excavator, a A-300, AND a T-300. The truck bed/box would be operated by a SwapLoader hoisting system. This hoist allows you to dump like a dump truck or off-load/load a skid from flat off the ground (see www.swaploader.com for pictures).
With this system, I could load the 442 on the bed of the truck and pull both the A-300 and T-300 to the job site if needed. When you got to the job site, off-load the equipment and you have a small (7-8 yard) dump truck ready to work. I like the 442 because it offers excavator performance and has about the same dig depth as a backhoe loader. It is still small enough to get into some smaller yards, yet big enough for the tough jobs. The A-300 and T-300 are both need because I work in conditions that may require the floatation of the T-300 or the A-300 to minimize wear and tear on turf or asphalt. I chose the F-750 because I like my Ford trucks, but if money was no object, I'd have an International.
Now attachments are another story. They are kind of like my wife and shoes, you can never have enough or it's not right for the occasion :)
Well, lets see. I have a Peterbilt 330 with a 12' dump body with a two way tailgate (swings like a barn door and like a normal dump gate). It has 40,000 GVW with 60,000 GCVW. I have an Interstate 40DLA (20 ton air brake) trailer. I have a Case 580SL extendahoe with enclosed cab and all the widgets. I just traded the S185 for a T300 with all the widgets. For what I do, I have a pretty good setup. Theres always room for improvement mind you, but my other hobbies are damn expensive which leave my dirt hobby a little underfunded.