Vertical vs. Radial Lift

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Mar 31, 2005
I'm no expert in skid steers so I was wondering if someone could give me advantages of one over the other (Vertical vs. Radial Lift). I'm in the market of purchasing a couple of skid steers and I'm between a Bobcat S175 and a Cat 236. Thanks
Hello I'm about as new as you are. I found some of the info you might looking for here ...........
Hello I'm about as new as you are. I found some of the info you might looking for here ...........
This would be where Bobcat S250 shines He will straighten things out for you.
Hello I'm about as new as you are. I found some of the info you might looking for here ...........
That was very informative, but would still like to know from more actual users what do they prefer and why & where do they prefer them.
That was very informative, but would still like to know from more actual users what do they prefer and why & where do they prefer them.
Thanks, stuz and RS Coyote, for the comments... :) Areyes: I will respect your wishes, but for the people you want to answer your question, it might help if you answered a few first:\n\n 1) What manufacturers are you considering?\n 2) Is this your only skid steer loader?\n (Important) 3) What do you want the loader to do?\n 4) What size class are you looking at?\n (Note: those "\n" are an attempt to format the text the way I want it to look -- they don't mean anything.)
Thanks, stuz and RS Coyote, for the comments... :) Areyes: I will respect your wishes, but for the people you want to answer your question, it might help if you answered a few first:\n\n 1) What manufacturers are you considering?\n 2) Is this your only skid steer loader?\n (Important) 3) What do you want the loader to do?\n 4) What size class are you looking at?\n (Note: those "\n" are an attempt to format the text the way I want it to look -- they don't mean anything.)
We are looking at either a Bobcat s175/s185 and Cat 236, we do general contracting so they would be doing site preparation, light loading, light material handling, backfilling, etc. Thanks.
We are looking at either a Bobcat s175/s185 and Cat 236, we do general contracting so they would be doing site preparation, light loading, light material handling, backfilling, etc. Thanks.
Personnally I like the vertical lift path machines. I can stack material higher / easier because the bucket remains further ahead of the machine at full lift height. It also makes it easier to load trucks with tall sideboards when at maximum lift height. The rear visibility out of the corners is somewhat limited by the vertical lift linkage, but not too bad. Others have expressed decreased digging and grading abilities with vertical lift path machines, but I have not noticed this.
Just my $0.02- We've had a few guys leave us and try Cat, a lot of them come back. The thing is, in my opinion, that catering to the relatively "small guy" who owns and operates a skid-steer or three is not Cat's forte. Their bread and butter is huge, yellow heavy metal. The CAT field service tech absolutley LOATHES working on a skid steer, and the numbers that skid-steer service generates for the heavy equipment dealership has decimal places a little too far to the left to motivate them, unless you also happen to own wheel loaders, dozers, excavators, haul trucks, etc. I'm not trying to bag on any manufacturer of skid-steers or offend anyone, but I truly believe this to be a fact of business and thats my story and I'm stickin' to it=). Shane