undercarriage inspection

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New member
Jan 15, 2006
Hi all. New to the forum here (great information!) and relatively new to skid steers with 3 years operation of 743, 863 and 221 excavator. I have operated tire skid steers before but now looking at new/used CTLs. For used machines I was wondering what all do you look for at undercarriage wear and tear? I would assume drive sprockets and roller wear, track wear and any oil leaks. Anything else this rookie should be looking at on a used machine? Any information would be appreciated!
I'm pretty new also but... after some research and owning a Case Crawler (and buying used 864) I find out there are significant issues with under carriages, especially Bobcat, as they went into this arena from Wheeled Platform. basically BC has redesigned the lower rollers and idlers + drive sprockets a few times, and don't have it down yet... the lower rollers are $474 ea (x8) and may be bad before 1000hrs ! (dust seals are inadequate) Idlers fail early too Drive sprockets and motors are known to fail on early versions, (inadequate bearing area) there are some hints on this site as well as much conversation over here; - http://www.lawnsite.com/forumdisplay.php?f=18 I would get pressure off track, and check rollers for free side play, as well as oil tracking, and freedom of movement The conditions where machine was previously used , + maint is most significant to longevity
I'm pretty new also but... after some research and owning a Case Crawler (and buying used 864) I find out there are significant issues with under carriages, especially Bobcat, as they went into this arena from Wheeled Platform. basically BC has redesigned the lower rollers and idlers + drive sprockets a few times, and don't have it down yet... the lower rollers are $474 ea (x8) and may be bad before 1000hrs ! (dust seals are inadequate) Idlers fail early too Drive sprockets and motors are known to fail on early versions, (inadequate bearing area) there are some hints on this site as well as much conversation over here; - http://www.lawnsite.com/forumdisplay.php?f=18 I would get pressure off track, and check rollers for free side play, as well as oil tracking, and freedom of movement The conditions where machine was previously used , + maint is most significant to longevity
mudman, I just went through all this when I bought a used t200. I didn't know it when I bought the machine but janb is right. Bobcat used to use rollers and idlers that were oiled filled via a small plug in each. Bobcat's latest design on rollers and idlers has them sealed with no plugs and supposedly they are holding up. I lucked out on the machine I bought because as it turns out the person who had the machine b4 me changed all the rollers and idlers. All I had to do was put new tracks on it ($4000). Goodtech may chime in here, as he knows the ins and outs of the track loaders. He says that the drive motor carrier oil needs to be changed often to prevent them from going bad. If I were you I would look for a machine with the updated rollers and idlers installed and decent tracks. Welcome to the form!
mudman, I just went through all this when I bought a used t200. I didn't know it when I bought the machine but janb is right. Bobcat used to use rollers and idlers that were oiled filled via a small plug in each. Bobcat's latest design on rollers and idlers has them sealed with no plugs and supposedly they are holding up. I lucked out on the machine I bought because as it turns out the person who had the machine b4 me changed all the rollers and idlers. All I had to do was put new tracks on it ($4000). Goodtech may chime in here, as he knows the ins and outs of the track loaders. He says that the drive motor carrier oil needs to be changed often to prevent them from going bad. If I were you I would look for a machine with the updated rollers and idlers installed and decent tracks. Welcome to the form!
Thanks for the reply janb and siduramaxde. When did Bobcat make the conversion with the rollers? If we do decide to purchase used I'll be sure to ask and look at those rollers and idlers. I understand they added another roller also? I am a maintenance freak but things still go wrong at times. That I do understand! Any other advice or information on CTLs is more than welcome!
Thanks for the reply janb and siduramaxde. When did Bobcat make the conversion with the rollers? If we do decide to purchase used I'll be sure to ask and look at those rollers and idlers. I understand they added another roller also? I am a maintenance freak but things still go wrong at times. That I do understand! Any other advice or information on CTLs is more than welcome!
Bobcat has there crap together finally on there track units. All there rollers use sealed bearings, I've scene many now with 1600+hrs on them and there still tight. There Drive motors seem to be holding up also since there new updated ones came out with a bigger bearing. I recommend changing the drive motor oil every 500 hrs at least. It is only 90cc oil synthetic gear oil. It is cheap to the cost of replacing them. Otherwise these machines are unstoppable, plenty of power, and the get the job done in any condition. Good luck on your search