Trailers? Whats the favorite and reasons why?

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2004
Currently in the market to upgrade. It came as a hint when my dealer looked at the backhoe attachment on the front of the trailer and the 864 track loader loaded with a combo bucket. At the very least I am 1200lbs over trailer capacity. Can't do this for long.
There are a few things I want when looking for a trailer.
Flat deck - I want the deck to be above the tires. This makes it very convenient to fork pallets on and off and allows you to put the forked load over the axles
Pintel hook - I prefer the pintel hook when I'm by myself. This allows you to back into the hook without doing damage to the vehicle. You stop when you gently bump the hook. Perfect every time.
Extra capacity - Always buy a trailer with more capacity than you think you will ever need. This prevents you from outgrowing it for at least a couple extra weeks.
An appropriate tailgate or ramps - I like both tailgates and ramps. Having one of each, I can definitely say the tailgate is better. The only thing the ramps are better on is incredibly uneven ground.
Tires - "Tires wins a race" :eek:] I want big over sized tires. I want truck tires. I don't want little Yugo tires, I don't want car tires, I want real tires. I wont even buy a boat trailer unless it has truck tires. Small tires suck.
Keep in mind what you will be towing with. A well built and balanced trailer will be easier on your tow vehicle and worth the extra money in the long run.
There are a few things I want when looking for a trailer.
Flat deck - I want the deck to be above the tires. This makes it very convenient to fork pallets on and off and allows you to put the forked load over the axles
Pintel hook - I prefer the pintel hook when I'm by myself. This allows you to back into the hook without doing damage to the vehicle. You stop when you gently bump the hook. Perfect every time.
Extra capacity - Always buy a trailer with more capacity than you think you will ever need. This prevents you from outgrowing it for at least a couple extra weeks.
An appropriate tailgate or ramps - I like both tailgates and ramps. Having one of each, I can definitely say the tailgate is better. The only thing the ramps are better on is incredibly uneven ground.
Tires - "Tires wins a race" :eek:] I want big over sized tires. I want truck tires. I don't want little Yugo tires, I don't want car tires, I want real tires. I wont even buy a boat trailer unless it has truck tires. Small tires suck.
Keep in mind what you will be towing with. A well built and balanced trailer will be easier on your tow vehicle and worth the extra money in the long run.
Okay... The trailer is a "Cam Superline" 7CAM18STT . It's the one I am most interseted in. It is a GVWR 16,100lbs, 7,000lbs axle, trailer weight 3400lbs, load range G tires, deck height 17", pintle hook and has a stationary 3' deck and a tilting 15' deck. The bobcat rep is going to demo and show on Friday. If it looks like the cadillac I am expecting, then we have a new trailer. I am tired of the Yugo I have presently. This has beeen reported to be an awesome trailer for skid steers and equipment. Once I get past this hurdle then its on to a new tow vehicle.
Okay... The trailer is a "Cam Superline" 7CAM18STT . It's the one I am most interseted in. It is a GVWR 16,100lbs, 7,000lbs axle, trailer weight 3400lbs, load range G tires, deck height 17", pintle hook and has a stationary 3' deck and a tilting 15' deck. The bobcat rep is going to demo and show on Friday. If it looks like the cadillac I am expecting, then we have a new trailer. I am tired of the Yugo I have presently. This has beeen reported to be an awesome trailer for skid steers and equipment. Once I get past this hurdle then its on to a new tow vehicle.
Not so fast, the trailer was 17" to top of deck. This is bad for construction sites with bad roads. The deck was 80" and my combo bucket is 84", so it would have to ride on top of rails. Finally the sides were made of 4x6 angle which would preclude me from side loading anything. Having said all that we are currently looking at a Hudson HSE18. This is a 12 Ton deck over model that is relitevely inexpensive and will keep me working for some years to come.
Not so fast, the trailer was 17" to top of deck. This is bad for construction sites with bad roads. The deck was 80" and my combo bucket is 84", so it would have to ride on top of rails. Finally the sides were made of 4x6 angle which would preclude me from side loading anything. Having said all that we are currently looking at a Hudson HSE18. This is a 12 Ton deck over model that is relitevely inexpensive and will keep me working for some years to come.
Well my hand finally forced into a new trailer. This was due to the fact that the trailer I had owned had a flat at 5:45 am tue the 27th of July in a driving thunderstorm. There was no shoulder to safely pull off on and within the next 20 sec the next tire blew and both rims sheared off the studs to the drums and the tires and rims blew off into a farmers field. Wahhhhhh! The rig swerved briefly and I contined to drive forward and not slam on the breaks. That probably kept me from jackknifing. I also really chain my equipment down and I am sure that helped. I had to drag my sorry mess 1/2 mile to a safe loacation. To say the least the trailer was trashed. With a road side repair and 3 tires I drug it to my dealer and promptly traded it in. The new trailer is a Hudson HSL16. It has a 6 ton cap., 84" wide deck, 16' deck with a 3' beavertail, a nice tray in the front and real tires(load range E). It tows much better.

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