Track repairs

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2004
I recently had my left rear idler bearing burn out. This does not sound to bad until I mention I ran the machine for some time before I discovered the problem. It sounded like gravel in the tracks and I was working with dirt loaded with #2 stone. To say the least it was trashed, so at that that point I just finished the job making sure I did not throw the track. I did the labor myself with help from Team Fountain. The part was almost $600.00. Not cheap but necessary. Two disasters in one week, trailer then the bearing. Team Fountain is still laughing.
You're going to scare 500k773 away from a T300! Shh! Sorry to hear about the idler... hope nothing else burns out this week.
You're going to scare 500k773 away from a T300! Shh! Sorry to hear about the idler... hope nothing else burns out this week.
Scare him away???? Never! I still can attest to more flat tires and lost money and work time than I can attest to in this post. Before this track machine there was nothing worse than flat tires. And they always blew, popped the bead, or just went flat at the wrong time and in the wrong place.
Scare him away???? Never! I still can attest to more flat tires and lost money and work time than I can attest to in this post. Before this track machine there was nothing worse than flat tires. And they always blew, popped the bead, or just went flat at the wrong time and in the wrong place.
Hehe... good thing, then.