The Final Drive!!!

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2004
Well as the regulars know by now I am a cursed person. Thursday the 16th I was cutting down the grade of a driveway to prep it for concrete. I moved all the construction gravel and was working on packed clay and CR-6. The machine was doing fine in digging the material up. However while establishing the construction entrance again I smelled hydruylic fluid. Upon looking left I noticed fluid and the track was wet. I shut the machine down raced to my trailer and started emergency loading procedures. Once you blow the seal, housing or the drive you have seconds upon restarting machine to get it where you want before it pumps the entire resivoir empty. I got lucky and got it loaded. I took it to my dealer and worst case was the final drive was blown and it was a $4800.00 fix. The good news it was the seal and some casing piece. They say its repairable for only $1800.00. Has anyone had this happen before and any advice?
OUCH!!! I hate it when big repairs like that pop up. Now you really go to work the machine to cover those repairs. With the new tracks earlier this year, you're accumulating a lot of tax write off this year.
Ouch... sorry to hear that. Glad you got the machine where it needed to go.
Thanks for the support. The reason I knew what had happened and knew I had seconds is that I watched another contractor run his S185 with Loegring tracks in heavy mud. You could hear the machine working its but off all day with engine stalling frequently. When he finnally asked me to drag him out of the mud pond he was working in and I got him out on the street. We started the machine and it did nothing. That is to say untill we added about 15 gallons of hyd fluid. Upon starting the machine the operator got a dumb look on his face and paniked while we watched all the fluid pump out of the machine onto the street. Moral of the story is that I learned from his mistake. My machine completly gave up when I put the bucket down on the trailer. You have to figure I saved some money by not having my dealer recover my machine in the feild.
Thanks for the support. The reason I knew what had happened and knew I had seconds is that I watched another contractor run his S185 with Loegring tracks in heavy mud. You could hear the machine working its but off all day with engine stalling frequently. When he finnally asked me to drag him out of the mud pond he was working in and I got him out on the street. We started the machine and it did nothing. That is to say untill we added about 15 gallons of hyd fluid. Upon starting the machine the operator got a dumb look on his face and paniked while we watched all the fluid pump out of the machine onto the street. Moral of the story is that I learned from his mistake. My machine completly gave up when I put the bucket down on the trailer. You have to figure I saved some money by not having my dealer recover my machine in the feild.
To identify a problem is to fix a problem...! I have averted a major disaster in that I found out my right side seals to the drive are seeping and will blow in the next 3 inches to the next 30 hrs. Most unfortunate because I just replaced the entire left side before x-mas for $3k. Its time for a fresh start and a new machine will be in the inventory by thursday of this week. Wish me luck for the $50k to upgrade.
To identify a problem is to fix a problem...! I have averted a major disaster in that I found out my right side seals to the drive are seeping and will blow in the next 3 inches to the next 30 hrs. Most unfortunate because I just replaced the entire left side before x-mas for $3k. Its time for a fresh start and a new machine will be in the inventory by thursday of this week. Wish me luck for the $50k to upgrade.
What are you looking at wood ?? T300 ?? I think the base list is 49,500.00 before the goodies, but they are hard to get . Let me know if I can help you.
What are you looking at wood ?? T300 ?? I think the base list is 49,500.00 before the goodies, but they are hard to get . Let me know if I can help you.
It's settled and the new machine will be a gold package S300. The quote was 35,875 and the extra cash may be used for an attachement or 2. I will post on Monday if I can bring it home. I sure hope so because I have a good paying job on tuesday to try it out on. The track loader will have to wait for now. I am also considering the rubber track kit over the tires. Does anyone know anything about them?
It's settled and the new machine will be a gold package S300. The quote was 35,875 and the extra cash may be used for an attachement or 2. I will post on Monday if I can bring it home. I sure hope so because I have a good paying job on tuesday to try it out on. The track loader will have to wait for now. I am also considering the rubber track kit over the tires. Does anyone know anything about them?
Posted in the other thread about your original decision to buy the T300... but might as well put the link here as well. There's a nice video of various colors doing their thing.

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