still looking for answers/ help with my Bobcat

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New member
Jul 19, 2006
isn't there any one out there who has had a similar problem with their 773 Bobcat?
Welcome to the forum from another bewbie, I read about your problem and your buddy laughing had to be funny to him. We have lots of real sharp Bobcat guys here maybe they just haven't seen your posting. I hope this works?
773F hand control problem 7/19/2006 8:30:09 AM (Total replies: 0)

I own a 1998 773F with cab&heat hand control have had it for 5 years and only had this one problem and it is intermitten bucket tilt/dump starts moving on its own and can't counter this action puts the bucket fully in dump postion and does not allow lift arms to fully retract causing me to be trapped in machine door could not be opened even after using knob to release the hyd. presure. and I'am a big guy window exit was not in the cards a buddy came by to see me trapped not funny!!! but went ...
end of quote
Welcome to the forum from another bewbie, I read about your problem and your buddy laughing had to be funny to him. We have lots of real sharp Bobcat guys here maybe they just haven't seen your posting. I hope this works?

773F hand control problem 7/19/2006 8:30:09 AM (Total replies: 0)

I own a 1998 773F with cab&heat hand control have had it for 5 years and only had this one problem and it is intermitten bucket tilt/dump starts moving on its own and can't counter this action puts the bucket fully in dump postion and does not allow lift arms to fully retract causing me to be trapped in machine door could not be opened even after using knob to release the hyd. presure. and I'am a big guy window exit was not in the cards a buddy came by to see me trapped not funny!!! but went ...
end of quote

I sure wish we could edit our own postings? GRR
I meant newbie
I sure wish we could edit our own postings? GRR
I meant newbie
Well i don't own a 773, all i can think of is a bad switch for the tilt solenoid. This would explain the fact you can't move the arms to get out as if the solenoid is pushing oil to your tilt cylinder and you have no pressure left for the arms. Start with the control switch, at least give it a squirt of contact cleaner if you can get access. I'd hate to think what they want for a new one!
Well i don't own a 773, all i can think of is a bad switch for the tilt solenoid. This would explain the fact you can't move the arms to get out as if the solenoid is pushing oil to your tilt cylinder and you have no pressure left for the arms. Start with the control switch, at least give it a squirt of contact cleaner if you can get access. I'd hate to think what they want for a new one!
Check the solenoids with a continuity meter. solenoids are located at the top of the hydraulic control valve under the driver seat. If it is not that then you may have an electrical short somewhere between the hand control and solenoid. Check the service manual for wiring diagrams and info on testing the solenoids.