Running bad again.

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Feb 14, 2007
Well, I thought I had my issues squared away. No such luck. I took it out to clear off some bursh, ran it for about an hour, then it started to cut out. It will run for 30 seconds or more, then cut off then it might fire back up on it's own or it might cut off. When it fires back up, it tends to back fire or rev, so the gas is still getting to it. I feel like it's an electrical problem. Maybe the ceramic ballast resistor or the coil. It behaves just like you are throwing the switch off an on intermittely. Any advice would be appreciated. m-610 bobcat with the wissconsin vh4d 4 cylinder air cooled engine.
Could be points issue, leads plugs cap/rotor.
Is the fuel line run close to the exhaust? it could be causing a vapor lock. Have you cleaned the carby?
As you say it runs good for 30 or so mins then acts up it seems like its a fuel delivery problem. Electrical problems should be constant and not wait till the engine warms up.
Could be points issue, leads plugs cap/rotor.
Is the fuel line run close to the exhaust? it could be causing a vapor lock. Have you cleaned the carby?
As you say it runs good for 30 or so mins then acts up it seems like its a fuel delivery problem. Electrical problems should be constant and not wait till the engine warms up.
Generic info.....there could be a bad ign coil that starts to fail, when hot. Fire up the machine when cold, then while running, hit the coil with a Hair Dryer or Heat Gun, to "induce" heat to the coil. IF the machine stops/runs hairy etc.....the coil is bad. Fuel? Check that the vent on the cap is not blocked, causing a slight vacuum over time and strangling the fuel flow.
Generic info.....there could be a bad ign coil that starts to fail, when hot. Fire up the machine when cold, then while running, hit the coil with a Hair Dryer or Heat Gun, to "induce" heat to the coil. IF the machine stops/runs hairy etc.....the coil is bad. Fuel? Check that the vent on the cap is not blocked, causing a slight vacuum over time and strangling the fuel flow.
I have had issues with vapor lock on my v4 you should check the cooling fins on the heads and clean the screen by the flywheel Mine would get so hot it would boil the gas and flood it the extra heat wasn't good for the head gaskets either good luck Jeff
Found it. It was the condenser. First thing I tried. Coil was next. but the condenser fixed it right up.