Question regarding a 743

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Dec 26, 2006
I am looking at cab enclosures (Soft) and was wondering if a 743 is a G or F series? Also, would anyone recommend the enclosures that Northern tools sells? Thanks in advance. Steve
The 743 is neither a F or G series, the bobcat cab enclosure is a 6565270. The Northen Tool unit Im told is a universal fit for many machines.
The 743 is neither a F or G series, the bobcat cab enclosure is a 6565270. The Northen Tool unit Im told is a universal fit for many machines.
Thank You, I just want to keep the snow off me. It really does not have to fit perfect.
Can anyone out there recommend a cab enclosure for a 743? What ball park price am I looking at? Thanks,
Bobcat makes a soft one too for @ 250 or so, it may fit better then the Northern one, but I can't say for sure as I have seen neither in person.
There is a fellow on ebay selling cab encloserures for a Nh ls 150. If you have fabricating skills they can be made to work on the 553 743, 753 763 853 863 etc cabs up to the f series. But it is a fair bit of work. The door is 2" too tall and has to be shortened. The door frame has to be trimmed up in some spots and added on to in others. I'm doing it to my 853c right now and will put some pics up when done. Figure I will have about 4 days into it when its all done.
He is selling just the door and frame for $100. Used one for a bocat without all the other hardware you need have been bringing 500.00 plus
He has real nice sliding window for the sides of the New Holland as well, unfortunately the seet bar is much to close to use them in a bobcat.
We are just putting lexan in the side windows, and I figure counting labour, side windows, (it had the top and rear) new 12000 btu heater, steel, misc parts and hardware, I'll have @ $1100.00 $600 of that is labour. The soft encloser is cheaper, this was anbout the next closest I could come up with. It won't be as nice as the factory setup with the sliding windows but its about 1/2 the price
Can anyone out there recommend a cab enclosure for a 743? What ball park price am I looking at? Thanks,
I paid 350 for mine about 5 years ago, I can't tell you where I bought it from I ordered off the internet. It's been a good unit and it was easy to install. Just type in bobcat enclosures and a lot of things come up.