Newbie Questions: cleaning a used machine, Hyd fluids

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Mar 4, 2007
I just purchased a 2000 763G (Bobcat) and there is a hydraulic leak, of course. The front of the engine is clean, but the rear part of the engine compartment is caked with oil and dirt. I'd like to take the pressure washer to it, but I figured to check with the forum (which I just joined as a new owner!) and find out if there are any things to be aware of when cleaning the engine compartment. Also, what is best fluid to use, Bobcat hydraulic or 10w-40? Thanks in advance for your advice. epenak
As far as pressure washing I wash everything and anything and have not had any problems from it ------- as far as hydraulic oil type for years Bobcat recommended 10w30 motor oil , but a while back I read a bulletin that Bobcat put out saying to use their hydraulic oil now instead of the motor oil , the reason I seem to remember for the change is the newer motor oils have additives in them that are not compatable with the seals and components , I had always thought the 10w30 was too thick and have not used it for a long time , even in our moderate climate in New Orleans in the winter I seen a lot of the hydraulic oil sensor would go off till the oil warmed up after about 5 minutes , the dealers hydraulic oil is very expensive and personally I don't see any adavantage to paying double
As far as pressure washing I wash everything and anything and have not had any problems from it ------- as far as hydraulic oil type for years Bobcat recommended 10w30 motor oil , but a while back I read a bulletin that Bobcat put out saying to use their hydraulic oil now instead of the motor oil , the reason I seem to remember for the change is the newer motor oils have additives in them that are not compatable with the seals and components , I had always thought the 10w30 was too thick and have not used it for a long time , even in our moderate climate in New Orleans in the winter I seen a lot of the hydraulic oil sensor would go off till the oil warmed up after about 5 minutes , the dealers hydraulic oil is very expensive and personally I don't see any adavantage to paying double
I agree, i use standard engine oil. I'm actually running RX super that is a 15w40 diesel engine oil. It works well for me. I have also run 20W50 with out any troubles. I do live in a warmer area, Australia so thick oil is not an issue.
As for cleaning, i use a pressure washer too, give the grease a good squirt with de-greaser and let it sit to soften up then hit it with the pressure washer. You can also use old diesel as a de-greaser, its a great use for old diesel that you don't dare run through the engine. It cuts grease pretty well!