Name that Bobcat!

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Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
For a bright shiny new sticky star for your forehead name that Bobcat!
Wow, thats weird...I can see the pic on the forum! Moderator help!
I can see the pix just fine (using Netscape). I just don't have a clue what that Bobcat logo is doing on that wierd machine! ---Bob
It looks mean!
Looks like it could do some serious lifting too.
In all fairness the bucket should not belong on this machine...I will find a picture at work that has the correct attachment on it and post it later, it will clear up everything...
Hint, it was not intented for contruction use!

In all fairness the bucket should not belong on this machine...I will find a picture at work that has the correct attachment on it and post it later, it will clear up everything...
Hint, it was not intented for contruction use!

Now that i think about it, i have seen a machine close to that before. I was at my local dealer harassing their service people and they had something with 5 wheels, it was like a 1560 or something. Either way, it had a 4 digit model number instead of the usual 3 that we have now. The guy had imported it from the states and just spent about 20K on it with re-painting and service.
Now that i think about it, i have seen a machine close to that before. I was at my local dealer harassing their service people and they had something with 5 wheels, it was like a 1560 or something. Either way, it had a 4 digit model number instead of the usual 3 that we have now. The guy had imported it from the states and just spent about 20K on it with re-painting and service.
ok, here it is, The Bobcat 1213 Feller buncher! Used in forrestry harvest.
6 wheels helped it over logs. Hope the pic is visible!