Mystery tank on my Melroe

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Sep 2, 2023
Been trying to understand what all I got on this neglected old Melroe (M-444?). I'm wondering what is the tank on the right side (with the red cap on it)? The gas tank and hydraulic fluid are all on the left side, what is in that tank on the right? Is it a secondary hydraulic reservoir? I got the User Guide for M-444 and it has it in the picture, but it doesn't even specify what the tank is for.


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Been trying to understand what all I got on this neglected old Melroe (M-444?). I'm wondering what is the tank on the right side (with the red cap on it)? The gas tank and hydraulic fluid are all on the left side, what is in that tank on the right? Is it a secondary hydraulic reservoir? I got the User Guide for M-444 and it has it in the picture, but it doesn't even specify what the tank is for.
I'm not positive, but there was a recent post on here that was asking about a pipe that went to both sides at the bottom of the tanks and it ended up being a connection between the two fuel tanks.
Here is a link to the thread. It is for a slightly different model.

have you looked inside? any odour or can you syphon anything out and is there a place underneath it drains out? does the fuel cap fit it?
I could certainly be mistaken but I think that was just what they could find to replace a lost or broken cap both caps are for the two gas tanks , you can fill from either side. when I had my 500 I used one non vented cap on the side I did not fill from and a vented on the other side, reason being one hot day I could see the gas vapor venting into the atmosphere so I thought to cut the evaporation in half. never suffered a vacuum condition eitherwith the fuel system, there should be a cross over tube under where the engine is suopposed to sit.
I did check it today - you guys were right, the tank on the right is also for gasoline with a crossover tube that goes under the engine from one side to the other. The red cap is just a temporary thing they put on to keep the rain out (too bad they didn't do that for the engine). Yes, there is a fuel drain on the right side also (very bottom). Thus, looks like you could fill up from either side, and you could drain from either side also. Tanks are both empty, bone dry with no smell. Bad news is that peering into both tanks I can see they have rust in them, which I'll have to deal with eventually.

Finally, I opened the side panel for the drive and chains, it looks very clean and like new in there - compared to the rest of the unit. Chains seem to be in very good condition, and the gear sprockets don't show much wear. Also, the clutches look to be new or fairly new. The hydraulic fluid looked clean and I could see through it - it had color of maple syrup (or dark honey) and about same consistency; I don't think it was ATF. Is there a way to figure out what it is actually?
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There is also a cross-over tube/pipe that connects the two hydraulic fluid reservoirs to each other. It's up front, under the control pedals the steel plates with the hydraulic filter. I took a pic but it's dark and not showing very well.
Lastly, I noticed that underneath the current white paint there is some kind of yellow paint similar to the color on Caterpillar machines - probably from the time Clark owned the company.

This must have been the original color of this old gal (this is not my unit, only showing for the color reference):
the chain cases most likely has 10/w30 engine oil, that was the suggested oil at that time. about the rust in the fuel tank if it is not that bad I put in a old school glass bowl type sediment filter and a inline filter, what it nice about the glass bowl filter it is easy to keep a eye on it for contaminates , including water. But you will need a fuel pump of some sort, I believe I used a low volume ,low pressure 12 volt electric.