Having some strange problems, please help... Bought a 04 LS190.B w/ 200 hrs at auction recently. All ok then. Installed a fecon rotating tree grapple, which took alot of customizing, including running a switch box to the cab. Worked fine for a day. Only issues were the display was reading 11 volts occationally, I didn't think much of it, and it sputtered at full throttle, but I just thought it was getting too much fuel and needed adjusted. Then I got it stuck in the snow pulling a tree out and it leaned a little to the left (nothing major at all), and died (it didn't sputter, it was like you turned off the key). Wouldn't restart, blew several fuses. Replaced fuses, different ones blew. Repeated. Usually the EIC/starter fuses would blow along with other random ones when I turned the key to run. The glow plug light wouldn't even come on in run mode. Would start in service mode, but with no lights on display, occaitionally it would read "ACC". Looked for hot to ground shorts, found a couple possible ones, checked ground cables, didn't find anything that was obviously the problem. Then it quit popping fuses, started w/ display lights in service mode. In run mode it will crank (w/ display lights all normal except an oil pres light is on) but not start. I shouldn't be concerned about the oil pres light being on before starting, thats normal right? Still get a low voltage display of 10-12 volts when starting, but it will crank for a long time, and I even hooked it up to my diesel truck which should have enough power for it. Why would it fire right up in service mode, but just crank in normal? Also, in service mode, I can't move the machine, which according to the manual I should have wheel power but just no boom power, right? I'm going to try a new batt and alternator today, just because I can't think of what else it could be. Any help would be MUCH appreciated!