Is there a trick to lining up the engine and the pump when reinstalling? Here is some background. Just bought the machine starter not on, and apparently parts missing! First thing, the ring gear was installed backwards. Get a new one put on correctly. Put starter on, it just spins, not contacting the ring gear. Triple check part numbers its the correct starter, have both actually, wet and dry clutch starters! So I realize there are no rear engine mounts and one front mount is loose. just to verify, the engine mounts have a large probably 2" diameter rubber isolator in the stack of bolt and washer? If so, I did find the front mounts and they are both there, but the one on drivers left is loose, like someone did that on purpose. So I need to put the two rear ones, one goes under the flywheel cover and one below the injection pump? Will putting the two of these line the pump and motor up automatically? Are there any other bolts that I need to look for that are either loose, missing or that I need to loosen, that will help line the two of these up? I think since the starter mounts to the "flywheel cover" and it is not lined up correctly to the engine that it is spacing the starter out too far from the ring gear (which is solid to the engine) to make contact. I am only assuming that the two of these are not lined up correctly. The pinion on starter is close enough that the teeth on the pinion are nearly touching ridge of tooth to ridge of tooth. I am sorry for the long post and I know I am new, once I get this figured out I will hope to add some insight for others along the way. Its extremely hard to put something together that you did not take apart!