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Well-known member
Jan 13, 2008
Hi guys, I became a member in January and though I have posted several threads I have never formally introduced myself, so here goes. I turn 61 in a month and I have been retired for 3 years. My bride of 23 years (today is our 23rd anniversary) and I sold our small manufacturing company in 2005. We manufactured Special guide systems for can dies and we where blessed with great customers and great employees! In 2000 I purchased 155 acres of woods, a 5 acre lake, and a 1 acre pond in N.E. ohio. I fell in love for the second time; with this land. I started purchasing equipment to tame the land. I own a case 888 track hoe, ( it has a tilting cab) a LB75 New Holland backhoe loader w/extend-a-hoe, a John Deere 4600 tractor w/ 3pt. & backhoe and a New Mustang 2109 skid steer w/ air and Hi-Flow. I have a bucket, root grapple, and a Davco hot saw feller buncher for the Mustang. I plan on building a brush mulcher, or purchasing one if my efforts fail. Engineering things is a challange I really enjoy, that is why I am trying to build this mulcher. I also have a love of writing, as you can tell by the length of some of my threads. I really enjoy this forum and all the information that you guys have to offer. Joe
Thats some nice gear you have there!!
Always good to see new members around here!
Hey Joe, thanks for your participation in the forum! I have a large plot of land as well, but I'm guessing that I could use some more equipment! Hmm.. I'll have my wife read this thread!
Hey Joe, thanks for your participation in the forum! I have a large plot of land as well, but I'm guessing that I could use some more equipment! Hmm.. I'll have my wife read this thread!
The wife and I have a great arraingment. She doesn't care how many toys I buy as long as something approximately the same size and weight goes, when the new one shows up. Also, I am not allowed to dip into principle, I can only spend my yearly pension allowance. If I blow my allowance on toys, then No vacation or cruises. I had to have an auction to pay for the Mustang, I sometimes miss the Harley.