Heres some answers, First off yes I worked for yrs as an auto machanic, Here is some info on how i proceded, Removed the levers, and sheet metal, Then removed the Pump. Then onto the two top covers, Jacked it on stands, tires off, unbolt inner axle nut. Held wrench on bolt and used six ft square bar placed between lugs nuts, Broke free no problem, Next I used a Auto Body porta-power to remove axle. This was used between the frame and axle. came right out. cut off the bearings and race with a die grinder, Replaced wear ring, placed seal on axle, then pressed bearing onto axle. This are zero cleance fit, so cold axle, and warm bearing help here. Now for the tricky part, Remove and replace inner race, Place the new inner bearing in, and Someone needs to hold the gear, and the chain, up in place while you slid the axle in. Get it just started, I used a bolt a lilttle longer to grap the axle. Just start it but dont let the seal hit the housing yet. Next, I made the seal tool, Easy job, Cut two old races in half. I welded them together, You will have two races stacked, and cut in half, the cone side goes to the axle to clear the axle weld, the Flat side to the bearing, electric taped held the halves. Now as you hold the axle in place, and guide it, you helper tightens the nut. This will pull in the seal and seat the inner bearing. Once the seal is flush to the housing, I removed the longer bolt, and replaced it with the orig. Again hold the bolt, and get the six foot bar, spin the axle. You can feel eveything seat, Then crank it tight. The spockets on my machine were not worn, and not sharp at all. Be peparpared thou, It is a Great time to change some hoses, and Gear reduction Bearings, Hard job? Depends on you. A pain in the XXXXX yeap. two person for the most part. Hope that helps. Let me know I will offer any help I can. PS i do have the Manuel, Tac