I got her home!!!!!even with a little accident.

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Well-known member
Jan 3, 2008
Hey guys! I wanted to let you know i got the new toy home.Went up friday night after work and picked her up.The 2hr. drive up to the dealer wasn't too bad till we started to hit snow.Anyways we got there ,and loaded it up on the trailer ,and then we stopped and got some dinner.The roads were getting slick so I decided to take some state roads back home instead of the interstate.Well about 30 miles from the dealer came up to a stop at a 2 lane highway and slid a little ,but got stopped.My wife then says "he's not gonna make it",and then wam! Guy slid right into the back of the trailer and impailed his truck on the flip over ramp on the driver side.Twisted the ramp,bent the ramp pivot shaft which is 1 1/2" solid steel.ripped off one of the end brackets that hold the shaft and ramps on.Man it was freezing cold ,and snowing waited around for 25 min for the county sheriff.The dispatcher called my wife once because they couldn't even find thier own county roads. Oh well. we got her home and unloaded.Put her in the shop.I will have to get some pics I took put on the web when i can get to my laptop. talk to ya later Aaron
WOW thats bad luck....
At least everyone was ok, glad i have never had to drive in the snow... its gotta be a bit scary at times!
WOW thats bad luck....
At least everyone was ok, glad i have never had to drive in the snow... its gotta be a bit scary at times!
At least it only equipment damage, money can fix that.
It pretty easy to get in trouble when the roads get slick.
The cops in Ontario are pushing for new laws that put more responsbilty on the driver in bad weather and a trying to close the "weather conditions" excuse as the cause of accidents. And there are alot of "nut behind the wheel" drivers that should stay home when the weather gets this way too.
Unfortunate they have a 100 car pile up on the 401 near Toronto and those of us 1200 miles away have to live by the rules they wrote to keep people who should have taken the bus out of trouble.
Hope you get it all fixed ok.
Aaron, reminds of me when I HAD to help a buddy auger a 24" hole in frozen ground on THE coldest day of the year. My machine was only a year old and looked great. But when the snow and ice dried off the road salt from trailering it the salt had stripped all the plating off the fittings, fasteners, and steel lines leaving them rusted!
Aaron, reminds of me when I HAD to help a buddy auger a 24" hole in frozen ground on THE coldest day of the year. My machine was only a year old and looked great. But when the snow and ice dried off the road salt from trailering it the salt had stripped all the plating off the fittings, fasteners, and steel lines leaving them rusted!
Road salt sucks, I almost refuse to leave home if the roads are wet with salt. Better plan on a bath as soon as you return in those conditions. I never thought a skidsteer could rust out until I started shopping for some used ones.
Aaron, reminds of me when I HAD to help a buddy auger a 24" hole in frozen ground on THE coldest day of the year. My machine was only a year old and looked great. But when the snow and ice dried off the road salt from trailering it the salt had stripped all the plating off the fittings, fasteners, and steel lines leaving them rusted!
Aron :Its a bad feeling when you know your going to get hit. Especially with your new baby in tow. You must have a great wife to go with you on a haul. She was even watching the rear in the mirror.. Ive only had my s/s 8 months . I dont want to be without one.Mike
Aron :Its a bad feeling when you know your going to get hit. Especially with your new baby in tow. You must have a great wife to go with you on a haul. She was even watching the rear in the mirror.. Ive only had my s/s 8 months . I dont want to be without one.Mike
Yeah everything was ok.Felt bad that it was my buddys trailer that got hit.I will get her fixed here soon.I got the old salt spray all over the skid.I need to get it washed soon.That is if i can get it to run.arrrggghhhh!!!!!!! see other thread.I know about the crazy drivers out there.Oh well you just got to keep your eye out for them. little paint,some welding rod,and i will have the trailer fixed,and then send the other guy the bill.

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