Hydrostatic Oil>>>Please Answer

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Oct 15, 2006
I have just finished rebuilding a 1996 bobcat 763. I need to know what kind of hydrostatic oil to use in the bobcat, and I also need to know what weight it has to be. thanks
I run AW 32 Hyd fluid in my 853, I get it at the parts store, hope that help you. dennis
I run AW 32 Hyd fluid in my 853, I get it at the parts store, hope that help you. dennis
i may get shot down for this but the local bobcat dealer told me the multi grade motor oil was old school thinking. keeping up with the times, a good quality 10 wt hydraulic with the proper additives was more than adequate. he gave me a list of the additives but it went over my head.i run caterpillar 10 wt hyd in my bobcat mainly because i get it for cost since thats where i work. not because i think it is any better.
i may get shot down for this but the local bobcat dealer told me the multi grade motor oil was old school thinking. keeping up with the times, a good quality 10 wt hydraulic with the proper additives was more than adequate. he gave me a list of the additives but it went over my head.i run caterpillar 10 wt hyd in my bobcat mainly because i get it for cost since thats where i work. not because i think it is any better.
I use 15W40 or 20W50 motor oil in my 743. Works just fine and costs a LOT less than bobcat brand oil.
I use 15W40 or 20W50 motor oil in my 743. Works just fine and costs a LOT less than bobcat brand oil.
I'll go along wih Mikie on this, a bobcat mechanic lives close by and comes over to help me once in a while. He said to stick with a good hyd. fluid, I use NAPA hyd. fluid.
I'll go along wih Mikie on this, a bobcat mechanic lives close by and comes over to help me once in a while. He said to stick with a good hyd. fluid, I use NAPA hyd. fluid.
old machine=old school I'd stick with 10 40 myself I run 15 40 in everything saves stocking a bunch of different oils Jeff