Hydraulic oil

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Jul 26, 2007
I have a 631 Bobcat, it's very low on hydraulic oil, The Bobcat dealer wants to sell me 5 gals. for $85.00, I can get 5 gals. at Tractor Supply for $35.00 it's ISO-VG-46 sae 20 equivalent. Would this be okay to use. Thanks Whitey
I run 15-40 motor oil in my 630 but 10-40 or 5-30 would work as well I don't know if 20 would be ok my book says bobcat fluid or 10-30. I'm sure others will chime in with good info too Jeff
I run 15-40 motor oil in my 630 but 10-40 or 5-30 would work as well I don't know if 20 would be ok my book says bobcat fluid or 10-30. I'm sure others will chime in with good info too Jeff
10W30, 15W40, 20W50 all will work.
Any car engine oil will be suitable. You don't need to get it from a tractor suply shop. even Kmart would have engine oil!
Just don't use normal hydraulic oil, the stuff thats as thin as water. You need it thick enough to still lubricate when it warms up.