-7 should not be that big of a deal for a gas engine if its in proper tune, -20 f or colder then I'd say artic oil or heat was a must. A 773 will start when its 0 degrees f with 10/30 in it. 0/30 or 0/40 be fine at -10 to 15.
If your is water cooled at some point it would be good to look up your engine in the www.zerostart.com catolog and see if they have a frost plug heater for it or get one for you lower rad hose.
offense, but I'm betting on lack of proper ignition, you just had points out, and plug wires off.
Can you mark TDC (top dead center, #1 cylinder) on your harmonic balancer and check for spark when the starter cranks over TDC. If the spark shows up at the wrong time to ignite the fuel or not at all, you will end up with a surplus of gas b4 to long.
Watch that you oil level has not come up, if you flood it bad enough the gas will leak by the ring and dilute you engine oil,
60 seconds of crank time should be more then enough, after all we are not talking about a Detroit diesel here.
Good luck