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Mar 24, 2006
Hi again i just put some bearings and seals in the front axels,that was fun!!! anyway i forgot how the spring for the break goes .i guess i'm getting C.R.S.i got it on how i think it goes just wanted to see if anyone has got a pic also does the left side (as your in the seat)pedal linkage go on top of the cross bar or on the bottom?Thanks Randy.
ummmmmmm ..brake not break. its the spring that pulls brake arm lever back.ok i'm done posting now.:)
If no one else gives you a pic, i will take a snap for you when my digi cam arrives, the old one died on me....
The spring goes on the right hand side (looking down from the lift arms) it goes back to the left hand side to a small piece of steel that is held down with a bolt for the brake assembly. You will need to adjust the angle it sits at for tension. It needs to be set so it pulls the arm backwards so the pucks don't rub on the brake discs.
I hope that made at least a small amount of sense....
If no one else gives you a pic, i will take a snap for you when my digi cam arrives, the old one died on me....
The spring goes on the right hand side (looking down from the lift arms) it goes back to the left hand side to a small piece of steel that is held down with a bolt for the brake assembly. You will need to adjust the angle it sits at for tension. It needs to be set so it pulls the arm backwards so the pucks don't rub on the brake discs.
I hope that made at least a small amount of sense....
I tell a lie, i just had a look, the plate that looks like a *T* sits on the top, not the bottom. The way its attached is how i discribed earlier.
I tell a lie, i just had a look, the plate that looks like a *T* sits on the top, not the bottom. The way its attached is how i discribed earlier.
Thanks Tazza, Thats how i have the you know about the left pedal linkage the one that goes back to that bar that goes under the pump to the hyd valve. i replaced the bushing for that linkage it might not make a differance if it goes on top or bottom of the cross bar but its sooooooo much fun to get at the bolt i'd like to get it the first time.again thanks.Randy
Thanks Tazza, Thats how i have the you know about the left pedal linkage the one that goes back to that bar that goes under the pump to the hyd valve. i replaced the bushing for that linkage it might not make a differance if it goes on top or bottom of the cross bar but its sooooooo much fun to get at the bolt i'd like to get it the first time.again thanks.Randy
that linkage for the pedal is on the right side if your looking at it from outside the bobcat !
that linkage for the pedal is on the right side if your looking at it from outside the bobcat !
I know the one, i put mine in from the top, the only way to get the rotten thing in. I don't think it really matters. As long as the linkage bar that goes to the pedal does not scrape the housing that is passes through it will be fine.
I know the one, i put mine in from the top, the only way to get the rotten thing in. I don't think it really matters. As long as the linkage bar that goes to the pedal does not scrape the housing that is passes through it will be fine.
I do hope i understood it correctly, the rubber mount is what i thought you were talking about, not the nylon one that goes in the pivot point under the pump (this one always wears but is murder to get to). The rubber one gets a bolt through it to the linkage bar to the pedal.
I do hope i understood it correctly, the rubber mount is what i thought you were talking about, not the nylon one that goes in the pivot point under the pump (this one always wears but is murder to get to). The rubber one gets a bolt through it to the linkage bar to the pedal.
its not the one under the pump,its the foot pedal linkage that connects to the bar that goes under the pump.:)