grease fittings

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Jan 1, 2007
I bought a skid steer and most of the grease in the joints are like wax,I changed all the fittings and had to heat some joints up so they would accept grease.I have three joints that won't acept any grease.Is there any tricks or do I have to bang out those pins.If so is it hard and what tools do I need.Thanks Bill
I have never had a fitting that i couldn't get to accept grease..... My grease gun will do about 10,000 PSI it seems to push out just about anything. As you said you changed the fittings they can't be blocked so you may indeed have to pop the pins out to grease them....
There are no tricks as such that i know of sorry.
I have never had a fitting that i couldn't get to accept grease..... My grease gun will do about 10,000 PSI it seems to push out just about anything. As you said you changed the fittings they can't be blocked so you may indeed have to pop the pins out to grease them....
There are no tricks as such that i know of sorry.
Here's a couple of things to try: Northern Tool has a tool that will force light oil into the zerk. It's about $50 though. I have on occasion removed the zerk and probed around in the hole with an icepick or a small screwdriver to at least get all the dried gunk out of the way so the grease had a chance to get to the pin. On stubborn fittings, try to get the load on the side of pin which is away from the zerk so whatever slop/clearance there is in the pin is near the zerk. I suppose some heat might help, but that is pretty tricky and I would do everything else first. I'd be afraid I'd get something too hot. But on the bright side, Tazza can tell us how to undo anything we manage to mess up! --- Bob
Here's a couple of things to try: Northern Tool has a tool that will force light oil into the zerk. It's about $50 though. I have on occasion removed the zerk and probed around in the hole with an icepick or a small screwdriver to at least get all the dried gunk out of the way so the grease had a chance to get to the pin. On stubborn fittings, try to get the load on the side of pin which is away from the zerk so whatever slop/clearance there is in the pin is near the zerk. I suppose some heat might help, but that is pretty tricky and I would do everything else first. I'd be afraid I'd get something too hot. But on the bright side, Tazza can tell us how to undo anything we manage to mess up! --- Bob
LOL there isn't much a hammer and welder can't fix.
I had the same problem with my dozer, skidsteer, and tractor. I removed the old fittings, cleaned the the fitting hole out down to the pin with a small screw driver, Installed new fittings, and heated the pin bore from end to end with my grease gun on applying pressure at the same time. Every one broke loose, some were pretty stuborn, I had some of the pin bores heated to a dull glow. Your'e right some of the old grease looked like wax, and others looked like mudd was in them. Thats what worked for me. Gary
I had the same problem with my dozer, skidsteer, and tractor. I removed the old fittings, cleaned the the fitting hole out down to the pin with a small screw driver, Installed new fittings, and heated the pin bore from end to end with my grease gun on applying pressure at the same time. Every one broke loose, some were pretty stuborn, I had some of the pin bores heated to a dull glow. Your'e right some of the old grease looked like wax, and others looked like mudd was in them. Thats what worked for me. Gary
Here's something on safety that I'll share with you, that could have been an eye injury for me. Make sure you wear safety glasses and gloves. I also have 10,000 psi grease gun and heat that I was using, trying to free up a frozen track adjuster on my dozer. I was really pouring the snot to the grease gun when I heard a loud pop and got a face full of hot grease spray. The pressure blew the fitting right out of the threads of the adjuster. For what its worth, you don't want to get hurt. Thanks, Gary