I'm probably the one Tazza was referring to what had a wimpy fuel injector/pump assembly. First, I think the Peugeot enging was only used on the 751C from about '95 to '97. It's a 38hp and would not have been used in the 853, unless they picked a larger Peugeot engine. -- Whilst diagnosing everything under the sun having to do with the fuel system besides the fuel pump (let's do the most expensive thing last!), I picked up some tidbits. First, make sure your fuel filter is new and OK. If there's a bleed screw somewhere (mine has two, one on the filter and one at the injector pump), pop it open and make sure when you pump the primer bulb you get only squirts of clean, pure fuel. If you get foamy or bubbly fuel, you're ingesting air somewhere. Where would that be? Maybe the rubber fuel line from the tank to the filter, or maybe the pickup line inside the tank is cracked. If the latter is the case, then filling the tank completely up should make the problem go away until you use enough fuel to get down below where the crack is on the pickup line. There's also a small fiter screen on the bottom of the pickup line, which obviously should not be clogged. Access to that pickup tube on my 751 is a real chore, I just had the Bobcat folks do it while we were trying to figure out what the problem was. In the end, it turned out to be a lift pump. On the Peugeot engine, the lift pump and the high-pressure injector pump are in the same housing. $1350 for a new one, maybe a few hundred to replace it. Good luck, and let us know how you fare. ---Bob