Flat faced "parker" hyd couplers. Any repairing???

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2006
Does anyone know if the new flat faced couplers can be re-oringed, or repaired when they start to leak? Ken
Not that I'm aware of. Most people end up damaging the couplers and that is the reason they leak. If you are using a breaker bobcat does have a different coupler the uses wedges to lock the internal part of the coupler instead of balls.
Not that I'm aware of. Most people end up damaging the couplers and that is the reason they leak. If you are using a breaker bobcat does have a different coupler the uses wedges to lock the internal part of the coupler instead of balls.
Thats what I thought, sometimes its fine, but more often then not it seeps to streams. I'd already swapped it out, guess I'll pitch it now. Thanks Ken
Thats what I thought, sometimes its fine, but more often then not it seeps to streams. I'd already swapped it out, guess I'll pitch it now. Thanks Ken
Do you have the normal flat face couplers or the ones that screw into the block, they are mainly on "G" series and above
Do you have the normal flat face couplers or the ones that screw into the block, they are mainly on "G" series and above
The coupler I was having trouble with was on a attachment. Its just a std coupler witha orb female inlet. Ken