My son and I worked on this for the better part of a weekend, to get the belt off took a torch, a chisel, a screw driver, razor knife, and 3 foot section of both 1/8" square bar and 3" X 3/16" bar. The 1st thing I did was cut the belt where I could get to it. The problem that remained was that the belt had three sections wedged between the case and the pully. I would then heat up the 1/8" bar and burn the belt (no fire), afterward heat up the 3" bar and tap the bar with a hammer and push the belt back (out of the pully/cassing). I would use the chisel in the same fashion. This sucked to say the least, but it's done. Oh yea, I had the belt under tension with a come-along so when I finally got enough of the wraps out it pulled loose.