Drive Belt Stuck: Bobcat 853

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Dec 30, 2007
I have a Bobcat with a broken drivebelt. The Drive Belt has wrapped around the Hydraulics Pully and is wedged between the cover and the pully (wrapped aprox 2.5 times). TThere is no portion of the belt close to the tensioner or the engine drive pully. Any ideas on how to get this puppy off?
My son and I worked on this for the better part of a weekend, to get the belt off took a torch, a chisel, a screw driver, razor knife, and 3 foot section of both 1/8" square bar and 3" X 3/16" bar. The 1st thing I did was cut the belt where I could get to it. The problem that remained was that the belt had three sections wedged between the case and the pully. I would then heat up the 1/8" bar and burn the belt (no fire), afterward heat up the 3" bar and tap the bar with a hammer and push the belt back (out of the pully/cassing). I would use the chisel in the same fashion. This sucked to say the least, but it's done. Oh yea, I had the belt under tension with a come-along so when I finally got enough of the wraps out it pulled loose.