Draining hydro oil/ Bobcat 742

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Mar 26, 2006
I apologize if this appears to be a double post, but I felt my other question was a thread by itself. So, simply put, what is the recomended method for draining all of the hydro oil in the 742, short of complete dissassembly? Thanks, John
on my 630 I pull the cooler lines off and have a couple beers and wait most of it comes out I suppose one could never get it all anyway some one with a 7 series may have better info
on my 630 I pull the cooler lines off and have a couple beers and wait most of it comes out I suppose one could never get it all anyway some one with a 7 series may have better info
I *think* i remember reading in my book for my 743 that you remove the hose that goes to the oil filter to drain the fluid. The one that comes from the port block, not the one that goes to the oil filter.
I hope this helps.
I *think* i remember reading in my book for my 743 that you remove the hose that goes to the oil filter to drain the fluid. The one that comes from the port block, not the one that goes to the oil filter.
I hope this helps.
Hmmm......... Okay. I'll have to take another look at it, as my memory isn't working well enough at the moment. I am assuming(bad thing to do!) that there is only one filter or is there a charge filter as well ? Thanks, John
Hmmm......... Okay. I'll have to take another look at it, as my memory isn't working well enough at the moment. I am assuming(bad thing to do!) that there is only one filter or is there a charge filter as well ? Thanks, John
Sorry, filters as in engine oil and hydraulic/hydrostatic oil.
It depends on the age of your machine if you have a suction line filter or not. Do you have like a square block on top of your hydraulic pump? or does it join to an aloy block on the side of the loader where the throttle is? If its the later one, it has no suction line filter.
The filter in there is a bronze type, it can be cleaned but for the price, just replace it. Most of these get over looked and are never replaced. It will cause lower power of your hydrostatics and eventually it will not move from lack of oil (had that before).
If it is the one with the port block on the pump. i think its the middle one on the left side (looking from the bucket). It will have a larger nut on the outside. The filter is hidden inside the block behind the nut. It has an O ring and spring behind it. Best to do this after you have drained your fluid too, or it will help with draining it.
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