Changed all the fluids two weekends ago. While there was a lot of engine oil not compared to the hydraulic oil. The construction company that had it before me rigged something up on the engine oil. Rather than the valve and little hose to the side. They connected a large hose 1" and on the end onf it had a quick connect with shut off. Lots of control though I had to stay there with a screw driver to keetp the thing open. Still have to do the chain cases.
Had a problem though , after I changed the fuel filter couldn't start engine. I know I have to prime it but the manuls aren't very clear. The operators manual speaks of a bleed valve and a priming level. But I can't find . There is a priming pump on the side of the injector pump. Which I unsrcewed and pumped up and down but didn't do the trick. I know its simple but just can't find it. When I installed the fuel filter I did fill it with fuel befoer installing.