The operating manual that came with my FFC Mini Back Hoe attachment states that you must remove a plug from the hydraulic control valve and replace it with Bobcat P/No 6599161 (for Bobcats without BICS, mine is a 743). This is said to protect the base end of the tilt cylinder.
These instructions have confussed me because the parts manual shows a valve with the above P/No already fitted to the Melroe hydraulic control valve although the location of it and the so called 'plug' and anti cavition valve may be a bit misleading ( pages 75 to 78 if anyone has the 743 parts manual.)
The service manual for the 743 has no information on the Melroe control valve but does mention that repair information can be found in the component repair manual. Does anyone have this information? The operating manual for the mini hoe can be found at if you are interested.
Basically I am asking do I need to fit this additional relief valve and if so why and where does it go?
Thanks guys.
These instructions have confussed me because the parts manual shows a valve with the above P/No already fitted to the Melroe hydraulic control valve although the location of it and the so called 'plug' and anti cavition valve may be a bit misleading ( pages 75 to 78 if anyone has the 743 parts manual.)
The service manual for the 743 has no information on the Melroe control valve but does mention that repair information can be found in the component repair manual. Does anyone have this information? The operating manual for the mini hoe can be found at if you are interested.
Basically I am asking do I need to fit this additional relief valve and if so why and where does it go?
Thanks guys.