Conditioning vinyl seat cover???

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
I have seen that on a lot of older machines the vinyl seat cover has cracked and exposed the foam cushioning. Is there something to treat / clean it with that will help maintain it for a long time? I don't know how well Armor All works as a conditioner, but I don't want the seat to be too slippery also. Thanks, C.A.
An owner's manual might contain some info about that -- but I would take a look at the shelf of a Wal Mart or a Target to see if there's anything there for vinyl. If not, call Bobcat and see -- something might come of it.
An owner's manual might contain some info about that -- but I would take a look at the shelf of a Wal Mart or a Target to see if there's anything there for vinyl. If not, call Bobcat and see -- something might come of it.
"Armour All" comes to mind and I am sure there are some really fancy items that would even keep a high shine. However I must add that if it comes from Bobcat it sure to be expensive.