case 1845c

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Jan 20, 2007
I just bought a case 1845c skid steer and the left side will move but the right side wont move with the controls
This could be a simple as a stuck relief valve in the pump or as bad as a damaged pump or motor.
The best way is to swap drive motors and see if the problem moves to the opposite side, if so it is the motor, if not it is a pump issue.
I don't know my way around case machines i'm afraid, other users around here have them, they may be able to give you a better idea.
I have a 1845 C and I am new at this also, could you have a lever adjustment out? or a leaking hose? Take your seat off and the pedal assembly and look at what don't move, its easy ..I would call your local Case dealer and as the guys in the service or bring a box of donuts and talk live