bics system/seat sensor

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Sep 4, 2006
looking for a way to by pass the seat sensor for the bics system in a 763 1996 bobcat loader or a way to eliminate the bics system altogether. i use it at home not on the job and this gets aggrevating everytime a sensor dosent work ,dont need it ,i dont let no one else drive the thing but me,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,everything works good for about 1 minute then the hydrualic shut down of course this is what its supposed to do if you have a short in the wiring to the bics just tired of messing with it and would like to find a way to eliminate it ,so if any of you who has had a simular problem and found a way to eliminate it please pass on the info thanks.
ok well the forum did not help but i did talk to a guy at bobcat in las vegas,they cannot help you to disable any functions of the bics system ,but i did find out that they have a conversion to eliminate the seat sensor since they had alot of problems with this feature.all the newer versions have the new bics and i can convert mine over for about 300 dollars it completely leaves out the seat sensor and works with the seat bar when you get it and put the seat bar down you press the green button and wala,the when you leave by opening up the seat bar it disables the lift tilt functions as well as the traction lock . one thing i found out is that the old bics system is definetly dangerous,on mine it will run for about 5 minutes before it disables functionsso if you get out of the cab with in that time and accidentally hit the lift pedal you can still get squashed by the bucket ,,so much for a safety system,they apperently mentioned this and reccommended that if you have this old system to change out it will eliminate alot of the old systems problems,i will be looking at the recall pages to see if they recalled any of these you think they would because of the problems it enflicted.
ok well the forum did not help but i did talk to a guy at bobcat in las vegas,they cannot help you to disable any functions of the bics system ,but i did find out that they have a conversion to eliminate the seat sensor since they had alot of problems with this feature.all the newer versions have the new bics and i can convert mine over for about 300 dollars it completely leaves out the seat sensor and works with the seat bar when you get it and put the seat bar down you press the green button and wala,the when you leave by opening up the seat bar it disables the lift tilt functions as well as the traction lock . one thing i found out is that the old bics system is definetly dangerous,on mine it will run for about 5 minutes before it disables functionsso if you get out of the cab with in that time and accidentally hit the lift pedal you can still get squashed by the bucket ,,so much for a safety system,they apperently mentioned this and reccommended that if you have this old system to change out it will eliminate alot of the old systems problems,i will be looking at the recall pages to see if they recalled any of these you think they would because of the problems it enflicted.
I know you can short 2 of the 3 wires going to the magnetic seat bar and seat switches, but for safety it really is best to leave them working. My manual does state you should turn the machine off before jumping out, but seriously, who does that? i can't be bothered shutting down just to move a rock or 2 then re-starting.
As for your machine taking 5 minutes to decide to lock the hydraulics out is silly. $300 for a whole new BICS system sounds quite reasonable.
I know you can short 2 of the 3 wires going to the magnetic seat bar and seat switches, but for safety it really is best to leave them working. My manual does state you should turn the machine off before jumping out, but seriously, who does that? i can't be bothered shutting down just to move a rock or 2 then re-starting.
As for your machine taking 5 minutes to decide to lock the hydraulics out is silly. $300 for a whole new BICS system sounds quite reasonable.
300 is just for a green push button that replaces the seat switch.
There are 2 things I'd try. Remove your seat bar sensor and "Shoo Goo" the magnet that activates the sensor in the position it should be in when you are seated. Your bics lite will come on when you position it properly. Key must be on
Or 2
Located you safety valve and on it will be a coil with 2 wires cominng from it. hook one wire to ground and hook the second to switched power so it is only hot when the key is on. If you shut off th engine you will have the safety valve protection. With this methos you will have to press the "traction lock override" button to release the park brake/pin. But if you put in the 300 kit you will have to push the green "go" button anyway.
I know you can short 2 of the 3 wires going to the magnetic seat bar and seat switches, but for safety it really is best to leave them working. My manual does state you should turn the machine off before jumping out, but seriously, who does that? i can't be bothered shutting down just to move a rock or 2 then re-starting.
As for your machine taking 5 minutes to decide to lock the hydraulics out is silly. $300 for a whole new BICS system sounds quite reasonable.
thanks for the tip! im gonna try this before i spend the money it sounds basically like the same thing so it should work i have to locate that vavle and try it ,thanks again!!!