90" Brushcat questions

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Well-known member
Mar 5, 2004
I have tried the 60" brushcat and am ready to buy. I have seen there is now also a 90" brushcat. It would sure be nice to to use one that is 150% wider, especially since my tires are wider than 60". If I were able to upgrade my hydraulics to a high flow option, would I be able to run this on my 773? With the additional rear door counter-weights, my machine is rated for 1950# and the 90" brushcat is 2000#. I also have wheel spacers installed so this adds more counterweight and thus increases the lift capacity. I have carried 2200# pallets with no difficulties, so the weight of the attachment does not concern me. Thanks
The dealer told me that I couldn't upgrade to high flow hydraulics today. Also said that IF I did have high flow, he didn't think I could/should use the 90" brushcat. He recommended that if I wanted to use a "Brushcat" that was at least as wide as my machine (69") I would have to look at third party attachments. Does anyone have any experience with other rotary cutters for the Bobcat? One of the brands he suggested I look at was Ammbusher.