853 Engine Quit's running

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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2006
My bobcat just stopped running 3 time's in 15 min. today. Would not turnover or anything let it sit for a couple of min. and it would start and run perfect. It's running fine now loaded a load of dirt with it. Never thought to see if the light's would work. Could it be a sensor? I don't have the Boss System.. Help!!!! dennis
Without the boss system none of the sensors will do this. Sounds like it may be a circuit breaker or a loose power wire. When it acts up take a wire test lite and turn the key on and see if they is power coming to the wire on the injection pump. There must be power there for the engine to run. If you remove that wire and hook it straight to the positive on the battery the engine should run. Just cross the starter solinoid to crank it over and it should fire right up. If it does you have a wiring gremlin.
Without the boss system none of the sensors will do this. Sounds like it may be a circuit breaker or a loose power wire. When it acts up take a wire test lite and turn the key on and see if they is power coming to the wire on the injection pump. There must be power there for the engine to run. If you remove that wire and hook it straight to the positive on the battery the engine should run. Just cross the starter solinoid to crank it over and it should fire right up. If it does you have a wiring gremlin.
Thanks for the reply Ken. It's not happened again--yet. Like I said it wouldn't do a thing at the key switch. like it had no battery. Kind of leaning toward a rely/fuse. Have any ideal where it is located? I've been on the dozer in the log wood's trying to beat the rain. Old Bobcat has taken the backseat for the moment. Have a good one dennis
Thanks for the reply Ken. It's not happened again--yet. Like I said it wouldn't do a thing at the key switch. like it had no battery. Kind of leaning toward a rely/fuse. Have any ideal where it is located? I've been on the dozer in the log wood's trying to beat the rain. Old Bobcat has taken the backseat for the moment. Have a good one dennis
Fuses are inside the rear door buy the top tailgate hinge. 2 Small retangular plastice covers over top of "mini ato" fuses. I thing there are a couple spdt relays right in that area as well.One for glow plugs and ?? Would be a likely suspect too
Fuses are inside the rear door buy the top tailgate hinge. 2 Small retangular plastice covers over top of "mini ato" fuses. I thing there are a couple spdt relays right in that area as well.One for glow plugs and ?? Would be a likely suspect too
thanks Ken--look's like a repair day here in Ky. the rain has set in. dennis