773F hand control problem

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Jul 19, 2006
I own a 1998 773F with cab&heat hand control have had it for 5 years and only had this one problem and it is intermitten bucket tilt/dump starts moving on its own and can't counter this action puts the bucket fully in dump postion and does not allow lift arms to fully retract causing me to be trapped in machine door could not be opened even after using knob to release the hyd. presure. and I'am a big guy window exit was not in the cards a buddy came by to see me trapped not funny!!! but went and got his backhoe and lifted arm up so I could get out. this machine only has 450 hours on it didn't think I would be having problems like this that why I have a BOBCAT the tilt acturator#6672285 or #7104842 is $480.00 for a small elec. motor/sevo with a tiny timing belt. are there rebuilt ones or looking for a good place for good used parts price for the new one is crazy. I switch lift and tilt acturators and seems to move the problem, this causes hyd. lock-up and will not allways reset by turning off the machine and restarting it for lights showing the problem.
i have a 2001 773g and the right hand contol switch for the aux hyraulics does not work, i cant pick up the arms or curl the bucket unless i hold the switch to the right, we had a 8 ft fisher plow hooked up to the machine and that does not work either, does it sound like the same problem? it does not show any codes thanks
Sounds like at least you have it diagnosised Cuda , I don't think you will find any rebuilt actuators , good thing it isn't the controll module or the hand controll as either part would have set you back a whole lot more than that , I really don't like the hand controlls for that reason , very expensive to fix , have seen quite a few people stuck in enclosed Bobcats and could not get the door open as the boom was in the way , seems it is a very unsafe thing , a bank caved in on me once and the 763 rolled over down hill and I had a hard time getting out with out a door to deal with , fishfiles
Cuda mentioned that the actuator#7104842 costs $480. where can I find one for that price?